Pro Tour in numbers (mtggoldfish)
Pro Tour Ixalan. Standard Metagame Conslusions and Card Tech Highlights (from me, less numbers, tech cards, why they are there and meta)
Our tests:
Any Gifts don't like Abrades obvly.
UW likes Energy decks. (I usually win post-sideboard, but things fluctuate based on their board)
Tokens are much slower than GPG, but aren't so easy to disrupt and...well...Fumigate maindeck.
Monored sits ok postside vs Gift, but scoops G1.
UW wins G1 vs Espers and Co, but Tokens/Gift postsb is a lottery.
4K is fine vs Esper Gift even G1. vs Tokens - scoop G1, and pray for paranoia postsb, but Vraska and Flagship maindeck in 4k should balance the matchup.
Keeping you tuned and posted.