
Kirjoittaja Aihe: Manaburn  (Luettu 2501 kertaa)

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Poissa Mahroto

« : 31.03.18 - klo 10:20 »

kertokaapa näin lajin pariin viime vuosituhannelta palanneelle miksi mana burnista luovuttiin?

Poissa Yms

Vs: Manaburn
« Vastaus #1 : 31.03.18 - klo 11:15 »
Nopean googletuksen seurauksena https://mtg.gamepedia.com/Mana_burn

Mana burn was almost removed in the Sixth Edition rules update, but Mark Rosewater fought to keep it in. Ten years later, he fought to have it removed. His reasons to remove it were that it would free up design space, do away with a rule that's confusing for new players and that it's a rule that wasn't pulling its weight.[1]

He tried it out in design by having all designers play without mana burn for a month. It hadn't come up in playtests at all during the whole month. [2]
Lightning Bolt, when cast,
Deals three damage to target
Creature or player.