
Kirjoittaja Aihe: New Player in Tampere!  (Luettu 6040 kertaa)

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Poissa Palm654

New Player in Tampere!
« : 28.09.18 - klo 10:23 »
Hello everyone!

I  just moved to Tampere for studies in TUT, from Italy, where I started playing Magic during Fifth Dawn expansion, stopped playing at Kamigawa and re-taking up the game during the Bartle for Zendikar block.  :) I play mostly modern, but am interested in getting into Legacy (if I can find good deals on cards xD) and maybe pauper as well, as well as casual and playtesting. Where can I play in Tampere? Are there stores that sell single cards? Any tips and info? Also, would it be a problem that I do not speak Finnish (yet)?

And since this weekend there's the pre-release for guilds of Ravnica, is there some planned event somewhere?

Thanks, and nice to meet you all, hope to become soon part of this new community :) !

Poissa Kylis

Vs: New Player in Tampere!
« Vastaus #1 : 28.09.18 - klo 10:44 »
Hi and Welcome to Tampere!

We have quite an active Modern and Legacy scene here in Tampere. The weekly tournaments (Modern/Legacy) are held on Mondays and Thursdays in Ravintola Semafori (a restaurant in the upstairs of the railway station in the city center). You can find these events on the calendar in the front page of this forum where you can also preregister for these events.  The pauper scene in Tampere is basically dead, but I think you can find some casual games and EDH games by joining Tampere’s MTG players Facebook group ‘MTG Tampere’.
The only shop to buy Modern/Legacy etc. singles from is Sensei’s Divining Shop. You can also find the shop on Facebook. It operates now only online, but you can fill in the order and go grab your cards from the city center face to face. You can also find some standard legal singles in the binders of Puolenkuun Pelit in the city center.
You’ll do just fine by speaking English in the local MTG events. The next big Legacy event is on Sunday at Ravintola Artturi and Sensei’s Divining Shop will be there to sell product so it’s a nice way to meet some local players.

There will be like 5 or 6 different prerelease events is Tampere, the ones that still have space for you are held at your university on Saturday morning and evening.

See ya at Modern and Legacy Events!

edit. If you want to borrow a deck for some weekly Legacy events you can PM me so we'll see what deck our playgroup have sleeved up ready to borrow.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 28.09.18 - klo 10:49 kirjoittanut Kylis »
Lainaus käyttäjältä: RobertHatt
kohtuullisen tunnettu pro-pelaaja ja turnausraportoija

Poissa kurikka

Vs: New Player in Tampere!
« Vastaus #2 : 28.09.18 - klo 10:49 »
Hi! First of all, welcome to Tampere!

EDIT: It seems Kylis beat me to it, so here's some reiterations :D

We have quite a lively scene here with weekly tournaments for limited, standard, modern and legacy. To start off, you can join us at the GRN pre-release which will actually be held at TUT campus! I'll give you the details briefly in English:

The link to the event itself: https://mtgsuomi.fi/turnaukset/3108/ (it's in Finnish but it's a good place to start learning ;) )

- The tournament will be held in SE203, which is the E-wing of Sähkötalo building
- Start time 10:00. Ends around 18:00
- Costs 25e
- Will contain a lunch break at some point

Since you have a student card, I'd say the easiest way to get to SE203 is from the upper lobby of Sähkötalo, take the route through wings C and D and you're there!

You should also join the Facebook group MTG Tampere (again, it's in Finnish), and feel free to send me a message on Facebook as well.

There will be a modern tournament on Monday: https://mtgsuomi.fi/turnaukset/3100/ This one will cost you 5€ with prizes to X-1 or better finishes. The tournament will be in Restaurant Semafori (upstairs of Tampere Railway Station in the city center) and it starts at 17:00.

Once again, welcome to Tampere, I hope you enjoy your stay :)

-Tuomas Myllykoski

Poissa Palm654

Vs: New Player in Tampere!
« Vastaus #3 : 28.09.18 - klo 10:56 »
Thank you Guys! You are really super kind :) thanks for the precious informations :) I'll go for sure to the GRN pre-release in TUT, and maybe we see each other in some modern/legacy tournaments :)