Hi! First of all, welcome to Tampere!
EDIT: It seems Kylis beat me to it, so here's some reiterations

We have quite a lively scene here with weekly tournaments for limited, standard, modern and legacy. To start off, you can join us at the GRN pre-release which will actually be held at TUT campus! I'll give you the details briefly in English:
The link to the event itself:
https://mtgsuomi.fi/turnaukset/3108/ (it's in Finnish but it's a good place to start learning

- The tournament will be held in SE203, which is the E-wing of Sähkötalo building
- Start time 10:00. Ends around 18:00
- Costs 25e
- Will contain a lunch break at some point
Since you have a student card, I'd say the easiest way to get to SE203 is from the upper lobby of Sähkötalo, take the route through wings C and D and you're there!
You should also join the Facebook group MTG Tampere (again, it's in Finnish), and feel free to send me a message on Facebook as well.
There will be a modern tournament on Monday:
https://mtgsuomi.fi/turnaukset/3100/ This one will cost you 5€ with prizes to X-1 or better finishes. The tournament will be in Restaurant Semafori (upstairs of Tampere Railway Station in the city center) and it starts at 17:00.
Once again, welcome to Tampere, I hope you enjoy your stay

-Tuomas Myllykoski