A lot of pros already brewed some sick decks and some have been tuned on different forums.
In this topic I would like to regularly share some of those, plus my own, plus playtesting sessions with some brews and textual thoughts on the progress.
Reviewing decklists -
Ep.1 (RB Madness Aggro, Atarka Red, Naya Superfriends, Monoblue Control, BG Delirium Rock, BG Abbey Rite, Abzan Combo, Abzan Drain)
In the next ep. - BW Midrange, UB Sigrist Reanimator, Jund Midrange and others.
All decklists are
here (tappedout.net).
Some akward thoughts and conclusions so far:
Most of the new builds I came across have some strange features.
I think some misconceptions and conundrums have to be stressed out (public and personal opinions, subject to criticism):
There is no incentive to be heavy on Vampires and creatures in RB. No real lords. Just be a burn Atarka Red type of deck splashing black. Most lists I saw have very little reach and mediocre creatures that don't really serve the purpose of the deck.
White Weenie lists feature too many bad cards and not enough aggression and tempo. Don't mix this strategy's goals with Midrange builds.
UB Reanimator builds so far look like a lottery. Feels like nobody yet came up with a consistent build. Smoothen the deck should be a priority. Should the deck feature Geralf’s Masterpiece to be playable, or this is extra?
How can we stop BG Abbey deck? That spamming turbo mana madness. Is it really as good as people say?
Why nobody likes From Under the Floorboards? The card is pretty sweet.
I am not comfortable with Epiphany at the Drownyard in every blue deck. The deck is not that good, but I admit, there is no good alternative.
Bant Company deserves more mentions everywhere.
Does Naya Superfriends deck have to run Avacyn?
Zombies are a fluke. URx Tutelage is underrated.
Feel free to correct me or give more arguments or stats. Or just provide more thoughts.