GP-aikataulu, ilmoittautuminen jne: artikkeli Prix = Magic Fest weekend, jonka päätapahtuma on GP
GP Prize structure (GP-kohtaisesti prize pool vahvistetaan etukäteen)
Top8 saa PT-slotit (sitä, saako 13-2 mutta top8:n missannut enää PT-slottia, ei mainittu -> ei taida saada)
Magic Festeillä (eli GP-viikonloppuina) on PTQ joka päivä.
Euroopan GP:n kahden ensimmäisen kvartaalin aikana:Praha. 11-13.1, limited: 65k$ <- edit 6.11.2018: formaattina
ULTIMATE MASTERSStrasbourg, 15-17.2, limited: 50k$
Bilbao, 15-17.3, 50k$
Lontoo, 26-28.4, limited,
80k$Kööpenhamina, 14-16.6, limited, 50k$
Pro ToursMythic Championships, järjestetään MagicFesteillä -> samassa paikassa PT/MC & GP
Cleveland, Ohio, United States, February 22–24, 2019
London, United Kingdom, April 26–28, 2019Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, United States, June 28–30, 2019 CANCELLED, SORRY NO BONUS
Barcelona, Spain, July 26–28, 2019Richmond, Virginia, United States, November 8–10, 2019
Brisbane, Australia, December 6–8, 2019 CANCELLED, SORRY NO BONUS
WotC:n artikkeli: We're revamping how players qualify for the Pro Tour. The short version is that we're doing away with pre-qualifiers (previously called PPTQs) and creating a system to replace it that will provide a direct qualification path. This includes a pilot program that will test out professional tournament organizers and best-in-class WPN stores running direct qualification tournaments.
Grand Prix Tournaments will generally qualify you for a specific Pro Tour in the region in which the Grand Prix was held. So if you qualify through a Grand Prix in Europe, it will be for the next Pro Tour in Europe, and so on. MUUTOS: jatkossakin voi qualifoitua eri mantereille
PTQ:t PT 1 & 2 / 2019 kuten ennenkin, mutta 3/2019 lähtien ei PPTQ -> RPTQ, systeemiä, vaan
-Open: Yksi tai useampi slotti. Esim. MagicFesteillä PTQ kaikille avoin
-Invite only – Unlike the PTQ system of old, these events will use invite thresholds (specific metrics and levels for invitations to be released later) and will be offered by professional tournament organizers and WPN member stores to ensure a comfortable playing experience for players within that region. These will typically be one-day events with one qualification slot and a cap on the number of participants.
-Finally, note that while qualified players could previously only play in one Regional PTQ, under the new system, players can play in any number of tournaments for which they are qualified until they qualify for the Pro Tour.
-Magic Online: kuten ennenkin.
Eiku ei sittenkään, otetaankin Mythic Championships, pahveilla ja Arenassa Championship prize pool 250 000$ -> 500 000$, jokainen osallistuja saa palkintoja (ja kesästä 2018 lähtien qualifoitumisesta ei saa enää lentoja, eli varmat palkinnot korvaa ne)