
Kirjoittaja Aihe: Mono black  (Luettu 5896 kertaa)

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Mono black
« : 18.01.20 - klo 06:46 »

Mitä uusia pahveja on stanuun tullut deckiä ajatellen?
https://mtgsuomi.fi/listat/barros/ Scratching wall with claws.

What I learned there, during those weeks of rehearsal, would serve me for the rest of my life. - J. Huston

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  • Totuus iski kuin salami.
Vs: Mono black
« Vastaus #1 : 17.03.20 - klo 23:04 »
https://mtgsuomi.fi/listat/barros/ Scratching wall with claws.

What I learned there, during those weeks of rehearsal, would serve me for the rest of my life. - J. Huston