
Kirjoittaja Aihe: [GER] 1.8.2023 - Highlander watchlist  (Luettu 8506 kertaa)

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[GER] 1.8.2023 - Highlander watchlist
« : 01.08.23 - klo 10:28 »
Changes to the present watch list, effective 15/08/2023:

Current watchlists:

Ban watchlist:

Oath of Druids
True-Name Nemesis
Urza’s Saga
Unban watchlist:                                                 
Gifts Ungiven *New*
Library of Alexandria *New*
White Plume Adventurer

Unban trial (The following cards are on unban trial, starting 15.08.23 for 3 months. The next change to their status would be on 15.11.23):                                                 
Gifts Ungiven *New*
Library of Alexandria *New*

Single card explanation:

True Name Nemesis
True-Name Nemesis turned out to be just another power-full three drop in our format. We do not see any capability of the card to be as game decisive as it used be 4-5 Years ago. As a consequence, it will be removed from the ban watchlist.

White Plume Adventurer
We’ve previously stated, that the cheapest Initiative threat is the most dangerous, which led to the ban of White Plume Adventurer. Without any errata to the initiative or the undercity, this effect on a three mana creature with reasonable stats and an ability that helps to defend the initiative is too problematic. For now, we do not see any room for an unban of the card, hence it will be removed from the unban watchlist.

Gifts Ungiven
Gifts Ungiven offers players the flexibility to search up value piles, a combo finish or simply the best four cards in their decks. In itself, this effect sounds extremely powerful (and probably still is), but is it still enough to warrant a ban?
The power-level of cards and our format has increased since the original banning of Gifts Ungiven back in 2011. As a consequence, the card has now to compete with a variety of cards in the same CMC-Slot. On top, interaction on the stack, the board and the graveyard have substantially improved in the last 12 Years.
Inspired by the feedback of the community that we received, the card will be available for an unban trial. Is it still too strong? Does resolving the card take too much time and makes it thus a bad experience for tournament play? We encourage everyone to experiment with the card and providing us feedback.

Library of Alexandria
There was a time when playing Library of Alexandria on the draw turn one was game decisive. In 2010, the card was banned because of its dominance in control mirrors and price tag. While we want the format to be as accessible as possible, most communities already allow proxies and we do not consider price tags as a reason for bannings.
The card still has the potential to dominate slower matchups, but it comes at a significant cost. With the increase of power-level and speed, it became almost mandatory to have a play on turn 1 (be it a permanent or a spell to interact). These constraints also affect the mana base, as including only colorless mana producing lands has become a real cost.
Thus, we think that the card should be available for an unban trial. As in the case of Gifts Ungiven, we will appreciate everyone testing the card and providing us feedback.

Next scheduled Update: 1st November 2023 – Ban- and Watchlist update

Forum (http://www.magicplayer.org/forum/index.php?topic=1637.0;topicseen), Email ([email protected])

Source: http://highlandermagic.info/2023/08/01/august-1st-2023-watch-list-changes/

Poissa Demppa

Vs: [GER] 1.8.2023 - Highlander watchlist
« Vastaus #1 : 01.08.23 - klo 11:11 »
Hyviä muutoksia! Uskon, että kikkiksen vaikutus formaattiin jää vähäiseksi ulkopelillisistä syistä, mutta Gifts tarjoaa hyvän työkalun muutamallekin arkkityypille.
Mietteitä: https://haikku.fi/2023/08/bannimuutokset-elokuu-2023/

Poissa Demppa

Vs: [GER] 1.8.2023 - Highlander watchlist
« Vastaus #2 : 09.09.23 - klo 10:18 »
Eilen ensimmäisiä pelejä, joissa Library of Alexandria pääsi ihan käteen ja pöydälle asti.
Oma lista: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Nke0s316kkKs_pDx_CVTKQ

Case 1: Jundia vastaan, en muista olinko playlla vai drawilla. LoA aloituskädessä, joudun mulligoimaan koska tarvitsen värillisen sourcen.
Case 2: Jundia vastaan, playlla, LoA aloituskädessä. Pelaan kuitenkin T1 fetchin -> Savannah ja Enlightened Tutor, jonka kautta T2 Oath. Vastustaja topdeckaa Haywire Miten, eli selkeästi ajatukseni siitä että Oath beatdownia vastaan vuorolla 2 olisi hyvä osoittautui vääräksi. :-)
Case 3: (Toisenlaista) jundia vastaan, nostan LoAn joskus myöhemmin pelissä ja se on Wastes kunnes lopulta sacaan sen Crop Rotationille.
Case 4: Sanctum Stompya vastaan, olen vastauksenkaivuumoodissa, topdeckaan harmikseni LoAn. Saan sen kuitenkin Life from the Loamin avulla aktiiviseksi pari vuoroa myöhemmin, ja saan siitä lopulta nostettua yhden kortin (ts. huono topdeck tavallaan korvasi itsensä). Hävisin pieksuille.

Näissä peleissä LoA oli aktiivisesti huono, ja kaatui juurikin niihin asioihin joihin sen odotinkin jo piirustuspöydällä: alkupelin tempon menettämisen hinta aggroa vastaan on ihan älyttömän kova verrattuna korttietuun, ja myöhemmin nostettuna LoA harvemmin tekee mitään relevanttia.
Tutkinnat jatkuvat.