Muu MTG => MTG yleensä => Aiheen aloitti: Bor - 17.07.17 - klo 19:23

Otsikko: BoatBrew. Eternal South-West.
Kirjoitti: Bor - 17.07.17 - klo 19:23
Mostly versus test matches and thoughts about deck choice, deck building, meta. Mostly Singleton formats. Some Legacy and Modern, because,  I don't test them as much on paper outside tournaments, and don't want to clog too many threads. And my thing is too small for event coverage. Did commentary for localized restreams of PTs and SCG Tour, but not in Finnish. Maybe some day.


Figure out via practice what is this beast with Destructive Flow and Natural Order.

Jund Supernatural VS Eldrazi Stompy (

Jund Supernatural VS UG Infect (


There was more, but some tapes were too casual or too imbalanced in power level.

Hidetsugu VS Ob Nixilis, Reignited VS Linvala, Keeper of Silence. (

Talrand VS Ob Nixilis VS Yeva. (

I've had bad results with multiplayer Abzan Value Mid (insert random commander here).
Abzan based on creature combos felt much better both multi and single (insert random commander here). Feels more effective to be more proactive, then reactive most times.

Would love to chat on builds of such decks. Not sure if I wanna go Hulk route etc. Rather want to hear about sculpting better support packages outside obvious tutors and dig spells.
Otsikko: Vs: BoatBrew. Eternal South-West.
Kirjoitti: Bor - 19.07.17 - klo 16:24
Something like that. Loads on nontrivial craziness. Wish I'd be able to bring some 10-15 proxy Vintage versus feature matches at some point. 

So you think you can Legacy, while you can barely Modern? Wrecking illusions (

Do your research, don't be delusional. Try to be on the same page and more or less on the same level. And then you'd have the fun you wanted.

UG Infect Vs Eldrazi Stompy. Legacy (

Someone will be one turn behind in this tempo match.

BW Replenish vs Doomsday. Legacy (

You plan, calculate, you get on board or you combo off. Combo matchup showdown.

Highlander (GER). Naya Zoo VS Abzan Combos. Part 1 (

Creatures and creatures everywhere! But each side works with them in a different way. Incremental damage and one turn kill packages.

Highlander (GER). Naya Zoo VS Abzan Combos. Part 2 (

More tempo battles, more bashed faces.

4C Bloodbraid Vs RB Goblins. GER Highlander. (

4C Bloodbraid Midrange Vs UW  Merfolks. GER Highlander. (

EDH. Commander. Merieke Ri Berit VS Grand Arbiter Augustin IV. (

It is all about the right sequence and drawing the right half of the deck, when its 1-on-1 with Commander multiplayer based decks.
Otsikko: Vs: BoatBrew. Eternal South-West.
Kirjoitti: Bor - 27.08.17 - klo 22:01
Abzan Combo Midrange. Deck Tech. GER Highlander (

A sweet flexible fast German Highlander deck. Much insights, wow.

Abzan Combos. Extended Deck Tech. Commander/EDH.
If you like combos, but also really value interactivity, and well, value, then this archtype is for you.
Otsikko: Vs: BoatBrew. Eternal South-West.
Kirjoitti: Bor - 17.10.17 - klo 18:51
 GER Highlander. Naya Zoo & 4K Landfall. Versus Battle (

I guarantee you will learn a few deckbuilding tips in this Versus. Consistency and simplicity vs risky sweetness.
Otsikko: Vs: BoatBrew. Eternal South-West.
Kirjoitti: Bor - 12.12.17 - klo 17:31
Our terrible recordings.

UG Infect VS Grixis Delver. (
Eldrazi Stompy VS Grixis Delver. (

Full Legacy playlist. (

Lamps and other equipment is appreciated. Lending for any time. Or any support for that matter, even verbal.

Infect or Eldrazi for Birmingham? Which lists?
Otsikko: Vs: BoatBrew. Eternal South-West.
Kirjoitti: Bor - 18.12.17 - klo 18:21
Scarab/Rhys/Karrthus/Tazri. Run 1

Get ready for test production mode for EDH, mass of saltage and not so fair decks.

Found by accident some curious site ( for edh content.

Have you seen it? Is it good?
Seems to at least have some good utilities.