Muu MTG => MTG yleensä => Aiheen aloitti: Bor - 20.01.18 - klo 16:21

Otsikko: BoatBrew. GrandConstructedLab.
Kirjoitti: Bor - 20.01.18 - klo 16:21
Aint the reboot stage yet, and considering my reach, I'd rather keep all Constructed in one place, but mark everything properly.
We don't do much Limited content, and there is a good place for it. And, in general, I don't generate that much that often, yet, to justify spreading the love to too many shelves.


How to Cure netdecking. General Theory (
Examples from Modern and Standard.


Rivals of Ixalan Standard.Post-Bans Special Format Analysis. (

Decyphering EDH/Commander. Nekusar/Edgar/Omnath/Tazri (

Bant Flash VS Jeskai CounterBirds. Casual Modern (


Big-Big article on Standard comparing all predictions and the first wave of data.

Comparative article piling all Merfolks Standard lists from all over the place.

Comparative article piling all Shardless BUG Legacy lists from all over the place.

Video and text pieces on PT and Modern around past weeks and the coming ones. 

Might think to stream MODO a bit, but just Pauper for now. Consider getting back into it properly, blabla.
Magic Arena will grow slowly and not cover even major bases properly anytime soon. Plus I didn't get in.
Otsikko: Vs: BoatBrew. GrandConstructedLab.
Kirjoitti: Bor - 22.01.18 - klo 17:42
In short about everything in Standard. Grand Tour of the format for newly wed.

Rivals of Ixalan Standard. Post-Bans Special Format Analysis plus Week 0-1 (
Otsikko: Vs: BoatBrew. GrandConstructedLab.
Kirjoitti: Bor - 24.01.18 - klo 20:45
Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan and Modern Metagame in general. (

Big general overview type of read.
Focus on deck choice process and meta scope.
Otsikko: Vs: BoatBrew. GrandConstructedLab.
Kirjoitti: Bor - 29.01.18 - klo 13:57
Decks for Pro Tour and Modern Metagame in general (

Video overview based on the previous article.
Otsikko: Vs: BoatBrew. GrandConstructedLab.
Kirjoitti: Bor - 11.03.18 - klo 15:49
All vids from past weeks
Mostly Legacy and Eldrazi VS the World
Modern and Legacy Funny Moments. Epic Turns with Home Rogue Brews (

Eldrazi VS Sneak N Show. Maindeck (

Eldrazi VS Sneak N Show. Post-Sideboard (

Eldrazi VS Bg Vigor Mortis (

Eldrazi VS ANT (

Eldrazi Stompy VS Elves Combo. Post Sideboard. Game 1. (

Eldrazi Stompy VS Elves Combo. Post Sideboard. Game 2. (

Full Legacy Playlist (