

Aihe: 10.11.24 W: - H: Outlawia, Karlovia, Ixalaania, Eldrainia, Lotria, Marchia ja museotavaraa (Luettu 11957 kertaa)

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- Korttini ovat englanniksi ja kunnoltaan uusista seteistä nm/m useimmiten
- Vanhemmissa lapuissa kunto voi olla heikompi, tarkastellaan kun tradea hitsataan
- Rahaa toimii puolin ja toisin vastikkeena
- Voin myös myydäkin kortteja jos oikein jokin lappu himottaa
- Minimiostos 20,00 €
- Posteja perin 2,00 € perustradeissa
- Töistä riippuen vastailen niin nopeasti kuin mahdollista
- Jemmassa fetchejä, dualeja, saksalaisia Tarmoja sun muuta
- Kortteja voi vaihdella myös naamatusten Tampereella

Lihavoidut kiireillisimpiä haluja.
High Want:

Medium Want:

Low Want:
4x Hex Parasite 1,00e pala tai 5,00e playset
4x Simulacrum Synthesizer 15,00e
1x Murderous Rider (1,00e, normiartti)
1x Phyrexian Revoker (0,50e kpl retroframe)
1x Sylvan Safekeeper (2,00e italo Judgement)
4x Pack Rat (1,50e pala)

Extra Low:


The list:
1x Forsaken City
1x Battle of Wits
1x Marauding Raptor
1x Skred
1x Witch-Maw Nephilim

- Modern Horizons III-

1x Archway of Innovation (alt art)
2x Flooded Strand
1x Monumental Henge
2x Polluted Delta
2x Spymaster's Vault

1x Jet Medallion
1x Nulldrifter
1x Ulalek, Fused Atrocity

1x Laelia, the Blade Reforged
1x Party Trasher
2x Wheel of Potential

1x K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth
1x Ripples of Undeath

1x Argent Dais
1x Flare of Fortitude
1x Guide of Souls
1x Orim's Chant
1x Sevinne's Reclamation

1x Branching Evolution
2x Fanatic of Rhonas
1x Primal Prayers
2x Springheart Nantuko

2x Amphidian Downpour

1x Genku, Future Shaper
2x Rosheen, Roaring Prophet
2x The Necrobloom

- Modern Horizons II-

2x Misty Rainforest
2x Riptide Laboratory
1x Scalding Tarn (Prerelease FOIL pussissa)
4x Urza's Saga
2x Verdant Catacombs

2x Cursed Totem
1x Dermotaxi
4x Scion of Draco
1x Nettlecyst (FOIL)
2x Nevinyrral's Disk
1x Sol Talisman
1x Sword of Hearth and Home
2x Void Mirror

2x Bloodbraid Marauder
3x Breya's Apprentice
2x Calibrated Blast
1x Chance Encounter
2x Chef's Kiss
1x Glimpse of Tomorrow
1x Harmonic Prodigy (sketch)
2x Goblin Bombardment
1x Obsidian Charmaw (Prerelease FOIL pussissa)

1x Braids, Cabal Minion
4x Dauthi Voidwalker
1x Magus of the Bridge
1x Patriarch's Bidding
3x Persist
2x Profane Tutor
3x Unmarked Grave

1x Esper Sentinel
2x Karmic Guide
1x Nykthos Paragon
1x Out of Time (Old Frame)
3x Sanctifier En-Vec (1x FOIL)
2x Search the Premise
3x Timeless Dragon (1x Old Frame FOIL)

1x Aeve, Progenitor Ooze
2x Chatterfang, Squirrel General
1x Chitterspitter
2x Enchantress's Presence
1x Endurance
2x Squirrel Mob
2x Sanctum Weaver
2x Sylvan Anthem
2x Titania, Protector of Argoth
1x Verdant Command

1x Fractured Sanity
1x Inevitable Betrayal
2x Rise and Shine (1x Prerelease foil pussissa, 1x alt art foil)
1x Svyelun of Sea and Sky
5x Thought Monitor
1x Wonder

1x Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar
1x Chainer, Nightmare Adept
1x Carth the Lion
2x Dakkon, Shadow Slayer
1x Garth One-Eye
1x General Ferrous Rokiric
1x Geyadrone Dihada
3x Master of Death
4x Moderation (1x Prerelease FOIL pussissa)
2x Piru, the Volatile (1x Old frame)
1x Priest of the Fell Rites
5x Shardless Agent (1x FOIL old border, 2x borderless)
3x Sterling Grove
4x Territorial Kavu (2x borderless)
2x Yusri, Fortune's Flame

Double Masters & Double Masters 2022:
1x Adaptive Automaton
1x Arixmethes, Slumbering Isle
1x Bedlam Reveler
1x Bring to Light (Prerelease FOIL)
1x Cragganwick Cremator
2x Dack's Duplicate
1x Doublecaster Mage
1x Engineered Explosives
1x Falkenrath Aristocrat
1x Greater Good
1x Leonin Abunas
1x Meddling Mage
1x Prized Amalgam
1x Rage Reflection
1x Rhys the Redeemed
1x Rishkar, Peema Renegade
1x Rolling Earthquake
1x Salvage Titan
1x Surgical Extraction
1x Sword of Body and Mind
2x Tuktuk the Explorer
1x Wilt-Leaf Liege
1x Wooded Bastion
1x Weathered Wayfarer (Prerelease FOIL)

Mystery Booster:
1x Adorned Pouncer
1x Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
1x Assemble the Legion
1x Belbe's Portal
1x Boros Reckoner
1x Cauldron of Souls
1x Celestial Kirin (FOIL)
1x Chromatic Lantern
1x Conspiracy (FOIL)
1x Doomgape
1x Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite
1x Font of Mythos
1x Gonti, Lord of Luxury
1x Herald of Leshrac (FOIL)
1x Hurricane
1x Impending Disaster
1x Knollspine Dragon
1x Kruphix, God of Horizons
1x Mirror Entity
1x Mycoloth
1x Oracle of Nectars
1x Nemesis of Reason
1x Phyrexian Plaguelord
1x Reaper King (FOIL)
1x Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant (FOIL)
1x Serendib Efreet
1x Shamanic Revelations
1x Sorin Markov
1x Squirrel Wrangler
1x Trading Post

sekä unkkuja / commoneita malliin Crop Rotation, Unclaimed Territory, Propaganda,Daze, Burnished Hart ja sattuman varaista foilia.

Modern Horizons:
4x Altar of Dementia
2x Ayula, Queen Among Bears
1x Bazaar Trademage
2x Cabal Therapist
1x Collected Conjuring
3x Crashing Footfalls
1x Deep Forest Hermit
2x Fallen Shinobi
2x Force of Rage
3x Future Sight (1x FOIL)
2x Genesis
7x Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis
1x Kaya's Guile
1x Kess, Dissident Mage
1x Lightning Skelemental
1x Marit Lage's Slumber
1x Mirrodin Besieged
2x Mox Tantalite
2x Nether Spirit
3x On Thin Ice
1x Plague Engineer
2x Planebound Accomplice
2x Sisay, Weatherlight Captain
2x Spiteful Sliver
1x Unsettled Mariner
1x Winds of Abandon

Lisäksi nippu Snow landeja + foileja malliin Scuttling Sliver, Lancer Sliver, Cleaving Sliver Tranquil Thicket..

Ultimate Masters:

4x Bridge from Below
1x Desolate Lighthouse
1x Dig Through Time
1x Flagstones of Trokair
1x Nourishing Shoal
1x Runed Halo

Masters 25:
1x Akroma, Angel of Wrath
1x Akroma's Vengeance
1x Ball Lightning
4x Chalice of the Void
1x Coalition Relic
1x Fortune Thief
1x Grenzo, Dungeon Warden
1x Laquatus's Champion
1x Living Wish
1x Nicol Bolas
1x Notion Thief

1x Nihil Spellbomb (FOIL)
1x Balduvian Horde (FOIL)
1x Frenzied Goblin (FOIL)
1x Diabolic Edict (FOIL)
1x Twisted Abomination (FOIL)
1x Noble Templar (FOIL)
+ Kasa unkkuja Simian Spirit Guide jne

Iconic Masters:

1x Channel
1x Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir
1x Lord of the Pit
1x Night of Souls' Betrayal
1x Hypersonic Dragon
1x Blood Baron of Vizkopa
1x Malfegor
1x Serum Powder
1x Crucible of Fire
1x Bogardan Hellkite
1x Scourge of Valkas
1x Genesis Hydra
1x River of Tears

+ Paljon uncommoneita (Lightning Helix) ja commoneita kysy

Modern Masters 2017:

2x Mind Shatter
1x Sever the Bloodline
1x Cackling Counterpart
1x Call of the Herd
1x Primal Command
1x Ranger of Eos
1x Séance
1x Hellrider
1x Mizzium Mortars
1x Zealous Conscripts
1x Stoic Angel
1x Broodmate Dragon
2x Abrupt Decay
1x Advent of the Wurm
1x Aethermage's Touch
1x Falkenrath Aristocrat
1x Fiery Justice
1x Simic Sky Swallower
1x Basilisk Collar

+ Paljon muita uncommoneita ja commoneita kysy

Eternal Masters:

- Rare -
1x Sensei's Divining Top
1x Nevinyrral's Disk
2x Goblin Charbelcher

4x Entomb
1x Visara the Dreadful
1x Ichorid
2x Braids, Cabal Minion

1x Future Sight
2x Control Magic
1x Inkwell Leviathan
1x Diminishing Returns

1x Sylvan Library
2x Regal Force
1x Xantid Swarm

1x Sulfuric Vortex
1x Crater Hellion
1x Siege-Gang Commander
1x Pyrokinesis
1x Rorix Bladewing

2x Karmic Guide
3x Mother of Runes
1x Jareth, Leonine Titan
1x Eight-and-a-Half-Tails

1x Glare of Subdual
1x Void
1x Call the Skybreaker
2x Brago, King Eternal
1x Giant Solifuge

- Uncommon -
3x Armadillo Cloak
1x Bloodbraid Elf (1x FOIL)
4x Hymn to Tourach
1x Victimize
2x Cabal Therapy
4x Young Pyromancer
3x Brainstorm
6x Daze (1x FOIL)
2x Wirewood Symbiote
4x Rancor (1x FOIL)
3x Animate Dead
4x Chain Lightning
4x Price of Progress
2x Relic of Progenitus
2x Swords to Plowshares (1x FOIL)
1x Seal of Cleansing
+ kasa muita unkkuja ja kikkarefoileja, kysy

- Outlaws of Thunder Junction & Bloomburrow & Duskmourn-

1x Hushwood Verge
1x Spirebluff Canal (1x Borderless)

1x Dissection Tools
1x Marvin, Murderous Mimic
1x Unlicensed Hearse

1x Chainsaw
1x Cursed Recording
2x Festival of Embers
3x Hell to Pay
1x Waltz of Rage (1x alt art)

1x Grievous Wounds
1x Overlord of the Balemurk
1x Surgical Extraction
1x Vadmir, New Blood

1x Caretaker's Talent
1x Claim Jumper (1x FOIL)
1x Collector's Cage
1x Dawn's Truce (Prerelease FOIL)
1x Dust Animus
1x Enduring Innocence
1x Fortune, Loyal Steed
1x Layline of Hope
1x One Last Job
1x Pariah
1x Salvation Swan

1x Fecund Greenshell
1x Freestrider Lookout
1x Leyline of Mutation
1x Mistbreath Elder
1x Outcaster Trailblazer
1x Overlord of the Hauntwoods
1x Railway Brawler
1x Scrapshooter
1x Smuggler's Surprice
1x Tender Wildguide
1x Tyvar, the Pummeler (extras art)

1x Abhorrent Oculus
1x Archmage''s Charm
2x Azure Beastbinder
2x Enduring Curiosity
1x Commandeer
1x Geralf, the Fleshwright
1x Leyline of Transformation
1x Marina Vendrell's Grimoire
1x Mirror Room / Fractured Realm
1x Season of Weaving
2x Stoic Sphinx (1x FOIL)
1x Stormchaser's Talent

1x Annie Joins Up
2x Dreamdfew Entrancer
1x Helga, Skittish Seer
1x Kambal, Profiteering Mayor
1x Niko, Light of Hope (Extras art)
1x Rakdos Joins Up
2x Tai Wakeen, Perfect Shot (1x Prerelease FOIL)
1x The Infamous Cruelclaw (Alt art)
2x Vanishing Verse (1x FOIL)
1x Vraska, the Silencer (1x Prerelease FOIL)
1x Vren, the Relentless

- The Lost Caverns of Ixalan & Murders at Karlov Manor -

1x Elegant Parlor
1x Hedge Maze
1x Restless Vents
1x Sunken Citadel

1x Throne of the Grim Captain

1x Brass's Tunnel-Grinder
2x Fugitive Codebreaker
1x Incinerator of the Guilty
1x Krenko's Buzzcrusher (Prerelease FOIL)

1x Corpses of the Lost
1x Hunted Bonebrute
1x Souls of the Lost
2x Stalactite Stalker
1x Tarrian's Journal
1x Terror Tide
1x Vein Ripper
1x Queen's Bay Paladin (MTG Logo)

1x Aurelia's Vindicator (Prerelease FOIL)
1x Doorkeeper Thrull
1x Tenth District Hero

1x Archdruid's Charm
1x Audience with Trostani
1x Axebane Ferox
1x Growing Rites of Itlimoc
1x Intrepid Paleontologist
1x Invasion of Ixalan
2x Undergrowth Recon

1x Conspiracy Unraveler
1x Coveted Falcon
1x Cryptic Coat
1x Lost in the Maze
1x Proft's Eidetic Memory
1x Reenact the Crime

1x Anim Pakal, Thousandth Moon (1x Alt art FOIL)
1x Drag the Canal (Mtg leima)
1x Izoni, Center of the Web
1x Judith, Carnage Connoisseur
2x Kellan, Inquisitive Prodigy
1x Kylox, Visionary Inventor
1x Relieve the Past
2x Squirming Emergence
1x Treacherous Greed
1x Urgent Necropsy
1x Tomik, Wielder of Law (Prerlease FOIL)
2x Trostani, Three Whispers
1x Voja, Jaws of the Conclave (Prerelease FOIL)
1x Warleader's Call
1x Worldsoul Rage

- The Lord of the Rings & Wilds of Eldraine-

1x Mount Doom (1x Extended art)
1x Mines of Moria
1x Restless Bivouac (1x Borderless art)
1x Restless Cottage
1x Restless Fortress (1x alt art)
1x Restless Vinestalk


1x Eomer, Marshal of Rohan
1x Display of Power (1x FOIL)
2x Fall of Cair Andros (1x Extended)
2x Goddric, Cloaked Reveler
1x Kellan, The Fae-Blooded
1x Mana Flare (1x v1 FOIL)
1x Realm-Scorcher Hellkite
1x Redcap Gutter-Dweller
2x Song of Totentanz

1x Call of the Ring
1x Gumdrop Poisoner
1x Lobelia Sackville-Baggins
1x Lord Skitter, Sewer King
1x Oversold Cemetary (v1)
2x Shadow of the Enemy

1x Blind Obendience (v1)
1x War of the Last Alliance

1x Elvish Archivist (1x FOIL)
1x Hardened Scales (v1)
2x Mosswood Dreadknight (1x Alt, 1x Alt FOIL)
1x Nature's Will (v1)
1x Primal Vigor (v1)
1x Radagast the Brown
1x Thunderous Debut
1x Virtue of Strength

1x Gandalf, Friend of the Shire (prerelease FOIL)
1x Fraying Sanity (v1)
2x Press the Enemy
1x Sleep-Cursed Faerie
1x The Watcher in the Water
1x Twinnng Twins

1x Aragorn, Company Leader
1x Doors of Durin (1x Prerelease FOIL)
1x Elrond, Master of Healing
2x Flame of Anor (1x alt frame)
1x Gimli, Mournful Avenger
1x Pippin, Guard of the Citadel (1x Extras)
1x Sauron's Randsom
1x The Apprentice's Folly
1x Will, Scion of Peace
2x Yenna, Redtooth Regent

- Phyrexia All Will Be One & March of the Machines -

1x Copperline Gorge (mtg leima)
1x Darkslick Shores
1x Seachrome Coast (1x Borderless)
1x The Monumental Facade

1x Soulless Jailer
1x Staff of Compleation (1x FOIL)

1x Bloodfeather Phoenix (1x Prerelease FOIL)
1x Into the Fire (1x Borderless)
1x Koth, Fire of Resistance
1x Red Sun's Twilight
1x Slobad, Iron Golem
1x Urabrask's Forge
1x Vulshok Factory

1x Black Sun's Twilight (1x FOIL)
1x Karumonix, the Rat King (1x FOIL)
1x Phyrexian Arena

1x Glimmer Lens
1x Guardian of Ghirapur
1x Heliod, the Radiant Dawn
1x Kemba, Kha Enduring (1x Compleat)
1x Norn's Wellspring
1x Skrelv's Hive
1x Sram, Senior Edificer (1x alt border)
1x Thalia, Guardian of Tharben (alt border)

1x Bloated Contaminator
1x Conduit of Worlds
1x Deeproot Wayfinder (1x FOIL)
1x Green Sun's Twilight (1x FOIL Buy-a-box-promo)
1x Ozolith, the Shattered Spire

1x Blade of the Shared Souls
1x Blue Sun's Twilight
2x Encoaching Mycosynth (1x Borderless)
1x Faerie Mastermind
1x Ichormoon Gautlet
1x Teferi''s Talent (1x FOIL)
2x Zephyr Singer

1x Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit (1x alt FOIL)
1x Ezuri, Stalker of Spheres
1x Glissa, Herald of Predation
1x Glissa Sunslayer (2x Compleat)
1x Goro-Goro and Satoru
1x Hidetsugu and Kairi
1x Inga and Esika (1x alt frame)
1x Invasion of Alara
1x Kethek, Crucible Goliath
1x Kroxa and Kuranos (1x alt FOIL)
1x Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger (1x alt frame)
2x Lukka, Bound to Ruin
1x Malcator, Purity Overseer (1x Prerelease FOIL)
1x Omnath, Locus of All
1x Rashmi and Ragavan (1x Borderless=
1x Ria Ivor, Bane of Bladehold
1x Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler (1x FOIL compleat)
1x Yargle and Multani
1x Zimone and Dina

- Dominaria United & Brothers' War -

1x Argoth, Sanctum of Nature
1x Blast Zone
1x Fortified Beachhead (1x mtg leima)
2x Hall of Tagsin
2x Karplusan Forest
1x Plaze of Heroes
1x Sulfurous Springs
1x Underground River
1x Plains (Full art FOIL DOM)
1x Swamp (Full art FOIL DOM)

1x Golden Argosy
1x Karn's Sylex (1x FOIL)
1x Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter
3x Razorlash Transmogrant
1x Phyrexian Fleshgorger
1x The Stone Brain

1x Chaotic Transformation
1x Defiler of Instinct
1x Draconic Destiny (1x FOIL)
2x Keldon Flamesage
1x Over the Top
1x Radha's Firebrand
2x Rundvelt Hordemaster (1x Extended art)
1x Squee, Dubious Monarch (1x Speciaali)
1x Temporal Firestorm
1x The Elder Dragon War

2x Drag to the Bottom
1x Gitaxian Puppeteer
1x Hostile Negotiations
1x Misery's Shadow
1x Painful Quandary
1x Stronghold Arena (1x FOIL Extended)

1x Archangel of Wrath
1x Anointed Peacekeeper
1x Danitha, Benalia's Hope
1x Soul Partition
1x Tocasia's Welcome
1x Valiant Veteran

2x Defiler of Vigor
1x Gwenna, Eyes of Gaea
1x Llanowar Greenwidow (1x Extended FOIL)
1x Threath Undetected
1x The World Spell
1x Titania's Command

1x Aether Channeler
2x Hurkyl, Master Wizard
1x Silver Scrutiny
2x Sphinx of Clear Skies (1x mtg leima)
1x The Phasing of Zhalfir
1x Urza's Command

1x Astor, Bearer of Blades
1x Ertai Resurrected (1x alt art)
1x Harbin, Vanguard Aviator
1x Ivy, Gleeful Spellthief
1x Jegantha, the Wellspring (1x alt border)
1x Legions to Ash
1x Meria, Scholar of Antiquity
1x Mishra, Tamer of Mak Fawa
1x Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind (30th foil)
1x Ramses, Assasin Lord
1x Rith, Liberated Primeval (1x FOIL)
3x Rivaz of the Claw (1x mtg leima)
1x Sarinth Greaterwurm
1x Sol'Kanar the Tainted (1x Extras)
1x Soul of Windgrace (1x Alt art)
1x Stenn, Paranoid Partisan
1x Urza, Prince of Kroog (1x Prerelease FOIL)

1x Adaptive Automaton
1x Defensive Grid
1x Howling Mine
1x Journeyer's Kite
1x Precursor Golem (1x FOIL)
1x Phyrexian Revoker
1x Ramos, Dragon Engine
1x Throrn of Amethyst

- Capenna + Battle For Baldur's Gate -

1x Spara's Headquarters

1x Fraying Line (Prerelease FOIL)
2x Unlicensed Hearse

1x Devilish Valet
1x Hoard Hauler
2x Jaxi, the Troublemaker
2x Widespread Thieving

1x Body Launderer
1x Sanguine Spy
1x Shakedown Heavy

1x Elspeth Resplendent (1x MTG Leima)
2x Extraction Specialist
2x Mysterious Limousine
1x Rabble Rousing

1x Gala Greeters
2x Evolving Door
1x Fight Rigging

1x Cephalid Facetaker
2x Errant, Street Artist
1x Undercover Operative
1x Wiretapping

1x Baba Lysaga, Night Witch (Alt frame)
1x Brokers Ascendancy
1x Corpse Explosion
1x Endless Detour (alt art)
1x Hostile Takeover
1x Maestros Ascendancy
1x Maestros Diabolist
1x Obscura Ascendancy (alt art FOIL)
1x Riveteers Ascendancy
2x Soul of Emancipation (1x alt art)
2x Void Rend (1x Alt art)
1x Ziatora's Envoy

- Innistrad: Midnight Hunt + Crimson Vow -

1x Hostile Hostel
1x Voldaren Estate (1x Castle Dracula)
1x Swamp (FOIL)

1x The Celestus (mtg logo)

1x Alchemist's Gambit
1x Creepy Puppeteer
1x Dominating Vampire
1x Moonveil Regent (1x mtg leima)
2x Geistflame Reservoir

2x Champion of the Perished (1x BoB Promo)
1x Dying to Serve
1x Headless Rider
2x Jerren, Corrupted Bishop
1x Mask of Griselbrand
1x Slaughter Specialist

2x Brutal Cathar
1x Cemetary Protector
1x Katilda, Dawnhart Martyr (1x Prerelease FOIL)
1x Sigardadian Savior
1x Sungold Sentinel (1x FOIL)

1x Briarbridge Tracker
1x Howling Moon
1x Howlpack Piper
1x Tovolar's Huntmaster
1x Ulvenwald Oddity

1x Curse of Surveillance (1x FOIL)
1x Dreamshackle Geist (1x Prerelease FOIL)
1x Grafted Identity
1x Inspired Idea
1x Spectral Adversary

1x Croaking Counterpart
1x Derrick, Pious Apprentice
3x Direstrain Rampage
1x Ghoulcaller's Harvest
1x Ludevic, Necrogenius
1x Katilda, Dawnhart Prime
1x Old Rutstein (alt art)
1x Rite of Harmony
1x Runo Stormkirk
1x Siphon Insight

- Adventures in the Forgotten Realms -

2x Dungeon Descent (1x Extras)
2x Treasure Vault

1x Hand of Vecna
1x Treasure Chest

2x Minion of the Mighty
1x Orb of Dragonkind
1x Zalto, Fire Giant Duke

1x Asmodeus the Archfiend
1x Sphere of Annihilation
1x The Book of Vile Darkness

1x Guardian of Faith
1x Nadaar, Selfless Paladin (mtg leima)
2x Loyal Warhound (1x mtg leima)

1x Instruments of the Bard
1x Long Rest (FOIL)
1x Orche Jelly (FOIL)
1x Ranger Class

1x Dragon Turtle

2x Adult Gold Dragon (1x Prerelease FOIL)
1x Minsc, Beloved Ranger
1x Skeletal Swarming
1x Triumphant Adventures

- Strixhaven -


1x Strixhaven Stadium


1x Sedgemoor Witch

1x Mila, Crafty Companion // Lukka, Wayward Bonder
1x Selfless Glyphweaver

1x Exponential Growth

1x Dream Strix
1x Multiple Choice

1x Body of Research
2x Elemental Expressionist(yhdessä mtg logo)
1x Rushed Rebirth
2x Silverquill Command
1x Velomachus Lorehold

1x Duress (Foil)
1x Gift of Estates
1x Inquisition of Kozilek

- Kaldheim -



2x Arni Brokenbrow (1x extras)
1x Magda, Brazen Outlaw
1x Toralf, God of Fury (extras)

1x Egon, God of Death (prerelease pussissa)
1x Draugr Necromancer

1x Doomskar (1x foil)
1x Runeforge Champion

1x Blessing of Frost

1x Cyclone Summoner
2x Graven Lore

1x Firja's Retribution
1x The Raven's Warning
1x Waking of the Trolls (Prerelease pussissa)

- Zendikar Rising -

1x Clearwater Pathway
1x Crawling Barrens

1x Lithoform Engine
1x Skyclave Relic

1x Roiling Vortex
2x Shatterskull Charger

1x Agadeem's Awakening
1x Inscription of Ruin

1x Felidar Retreat (Extra)
1x Legion Angel
1x Tazri, Beacon of Unity
1x Squad Commander

1x Inscription of Abundance
1x Lotus Cobra (1x mtg leima)
1x Oran-Rief Ooze
1x Scute Swarm
1x Setessan Champion

1x Charix, the Raging Isle
1x Coralhelm Chronicler
2x Glasspool Mimic
1x Inscription of Insight
2x Master of Winds
1x Nimble Trapfinder

1x Akiri, Fearless Voyager
1x Kaza, Roil Chaser
1x Nissa of Shadowed Boughs
2x Orah, Skyclave Hierophant
1x Phylath, World Sculptor (Alternative art)
1x Verazol, the Split Current
1x Yasharn, Implacable Earth
2x Zareth San, the Trickster

- Core Set 2021 -

2x Fabled Passage


1x Brash Taunter (mtg logo promo booster)
3x Double Vision


1x Basri Ket
1x Idol of Endurance

1x Jolrael, Mwonvuli Recluse

1x Shacklegeist

1x Radha, Heart of Keld

- Ikoria -

1x Bonder's Enclave


1x Everquill Phoenix
1x Yidaro, Wandering Monster
2x Unpredictable Cyclone (1x FOIL, 1x mtg leima FOIL)

1x Extinction Event
1x Hunted Nightmare
1x Heartless Act (Promo FOIL)
1x Mythos of Nethroi

1x Lavabrink Venturer
1x Luminous Broodmoth

1x Gemrazer
2x Kogla, the Titan Ape (mtg leima)

4x Sea-Dasher Octopus (Extras)
1x Voracious Greatshark

3x Emergent Ultimatum
1x Brokkos, Apex of Forever
1x Dorat, the Perfect Pet
1x Genesis Ultimatum
2x Kaheera, the Orphanguard
2x Keruga, the Macrosage
1x Labyrinth Raptor
2x Nethroi, Apex of Death
1x Obosh, the Preypiercer
1x Offspring's Revenge
1x Quartzwood Crasher
1x Rielle, the Everwise
3x Ruinous Ultimatum
1x Slitherwisp
1x Snapdax, Apex of the Hunt (Prerelease FOIL)
1x Umori, the Collector (FOIL mtg logolla)
1x Vadrok, Apex of Thunder(FOIL)
1x Whirlwind of Though

- Theros Beyond Death -

--- Mythic ---
3x Athreos, Shroud-Veiled (3x FOIL)
1x Calix, Destiny's Hand
2x Elspeth, Sun's Nemesis (1x Alternative)
1x Nylea, Keen-Eyed (FOIL)
1x Ox of Agonas

--- Rare ---

3x Labyrinth of Skophos (1x Prerelease FOIL)
2x Temple of Deceit
1x Plains (FOIL)


3x Storm Herald
1x Tectonic Giant

1x Eat to Extinction
2x Erebos's Intervention
1x Gravebreaker Lamia
1x Treacherous Blessing
1x Tymaret Calls the Dead

1x Elspeth Conquers Death
1x Shatter the Sky
1x Taranika, Akroan Veteran

2x Arasta of the Endless Web
2x Dryad of the Ilysian Grove
1x Mantle of the Wolf
1x Nessian Boar
1x Nylea's Intervention
1x Setessan Champion

1x Ashiok's Erasure
1x Callaphe, Beloved of the Sea (Foil Showcase)
1x Nadir Kraken
3x Thassa's Intervention
1x Wavebreak Hippocamp

2x Allure of the Unknown
3x Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths
2x Dalakos, Crafter of Wonders
1x Dream Trawler
3x Gallia of the Endless Dance
2x Haktos the Unscarred (1x FOIL promo mtg "leimalla")
2x Kuronos, Hound of Athreos (1x FOIL)

- Throne of Eldraine -

--- Mythic ---
1x The Cauldron of Eternity
1x The Circle of Loyalty
1x Harmonious Archon
1x The Magic Mirror
2x Realm-Cloaked Giant

--- Rare ---

2x Castle Locthwain

5x Sorcerous Spyglass

4x BoneCrusher Giant
2x Fervent Champion
2x Fires of Invention
2x Irencrag Feat
4x Irencrag Pyromancer
1x Opportunistic Dragon
2x Sundering Stroke
1x Torbran, Thane of Red Fell (Foil Promo booster)

2x Blacklance Paragon (Prerelease FOIL)
1x Clackbridge Troll
3x Murderous Rider
1x Oathsworn Knight
3x Piper of the Swarm
1x Wishclaw Talisman
1x Witch's Vengeage

1x Acclaimed Contender
2x Charming Prince
2x Giant Killer (1x FOIL, 1x extra)
2x Happily Ever After
2x Hushbringer
2x Linden, the Steadfast Queen
4x Worthy Knight

3x Feasting Troll King (1x Prerelease FOIL, pussissa)
5x Lovestruck Beast (2x Extra)
2x Return of the Wildspeaker
1x Wicked Wolf
3x Wildborn Preserver
2x Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig

2x Fae of Wishes (1x Extra)
1x Emry, Lurker of the Loch
2x Gadwick, the Wizened (FOIL)
2x Folio of Fancies (1x FOIL)
1x Midnight Clock
1x Mirrormade
1x Vantress Gargoyle

1x Dance of the Manse
2x Escape to the Wilds
2x Faeburrow Elder
3x Lochmere Serpent
1x Stormfist Crusader

+unkkuja (Drown in the Loch), kommoneita, extra alter frameja + jotain sattumanvaraisia foileja malliin Merchant of the Vale // Haggle, Syr Konrad, the Grim jne

- M20 -

--- Mythic ---
1x Cavalier of Flame
1x Mu Yanling, Sky Dancer
1x Kethis, the Hidden Hand

--- Rare ---

2x Temple of Epiphany
3x Temple of Malady
2x Temple of Mystery
4x Temple of Silence

1x Icon of Ancestry

1x Drakuseth, Maw of Flames (1x FOIL)
2x Chandra's Regulator
2x Glint-Horn Buccaneer
5x Leyline of Combustion
2x Repeated Reverberation
4x Thunderkin Awakener


1x Angelic Guardian
1x Planar Cleansing
1x Sephara, Sky's Blade (1x FOIL)

2x Gargos, Vicious Watcher
2x Shifting Ceratops
1x Voracious Hydra (mtg-leima)

1x Atemsis, All-Seeing
1x Leyline of Anticipation
1x Tale's End

- War of the Spark -

--- Mythic ---
1x Finale of Promise
1x Gideon Blackblade

--- Rare ---

1x Mobilized District
1x Karn's Bastion


1x Chandra, Fire Artisan
1x Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin
1x Mizzium Tank
1x Sarkhan the Masterless

1x Command the Dreadhorde
1x The Elderspell

1x Parhelion II

1x Nissa, Who Shakes the World
2x Awakening of Vitu-Ghazi
2x Planewide Celebration
1x Arlinn, Voice of the Pack (FOIL)

1x Silent Submersible
2x Commence the Endgame
1x Fblthp, the Lost
2x Narset's Reversal

1x Enter the God-Eternals
2x Oath of Kaya
1x Dreadhorde Butcher
2x Time Wipe (Foil Promo booster)
1x Domri, Anarch of Bolas
1x Ral, Storm Conduit
1x Bioessence Hydra
2x Casualties of War
1x Role Reversal
1x Samut, Tyrant Smasher (FOIL)
1x Kaya, Bane of the Dead (FOIL)

+uncommoneita malliin Ashiok, Dream Render, Tibalt, Rakish Instigator... etc

- Uudet Ravnicat -

--- Mythic --
1x Arclight Phoenix
1x Captive Audience
1x Domri, Chaos Bringer
4x Nullhide Ferox
2x Spawn of Mayhem
1x Thousand-Year Storm
1x Trostani Discordant (FOIL)
1x Underrealm Lich

--- Rare ---

1x Blood Crypt
2x Plaza of Harmony
4x Stomping Ground
4x Temple Garden

1x Chamber Sentry
3x Glass of the Guildpact (1x FOIL)
1x Tome of the Guildpact

3x Amplifire
1x Electrodominance (FOIL)
3x Erratic Cyclops
1x Experimental Frenzy
4x Immolation Shaman
4x Legion Warboss
2x Light Up the Stage FNM
2x Mirror March
1x Risk Factor

4x Awaken the Erstwhile (1x FOIL)
2x Blood Operative
2x Gruesome Menagerie
4x Midnight Reaper
1x Mausoleum Secrets
2x Priest of Forgotten Gods
2x Ritual of Soot

2x Citywide Bust
2x Light of the Legion
2x Tithe Taker

1x Beast Whisperer
1x Bounty of Might
5x End-Raze Forerunners
4x Growth-Chamber Guardian
2x Hatchery Spider
5x Pelt Collector
2x Rampage of the Clans

1x Benthic Biomancer
1x Drowned Secrets
1x Mass Manipulation
1x Mission Briefing
2x Narcomoeba
1x Omnispell Adept
1x Precognitive Perception
1x Quasiduplicate
1x Sphinx of Foresight
2x Verity Circle

1x Bedeck // Bedazzle
2x Bedevil
1x Biomancer's Familiar
2x Camaraderie
4x Cindervines
1x Connive // Concoct
1x Deputy of Detention
1x Emmara, Soul of the Accord
1x Expansion // Explosion (FOIL)
1x Find // Finality
1x Firemind's Research
5x Gruul Spellbreaker
2x Ionize
1x Judith, the Scourge Diva
1x Izoni, Thousand-Eyed (Prerelease FOIL)
1x Kaya's Wrath
4x Knight of Autumn
2x Lavinia, Azorius Renegade
1x Nikya of the Old Ways
1x Revival // Revenge
2x Response // Resurgence
5x Swiftblade Vindicator
2x Tajic, Legion's Edge
1x Theater of Horrors
2x Thief of Sanity (FOIL promo "mtg-leimalla")
1x Unmoored Ego
1x Warrant // Warden
2x Zegana, Utopian Speaker

+uncommoneita malliin Pteramander, Light Up the Stage

- M19 -

--- Mythic ---
1x Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire
1x Chromium, the Mutable
1x Apex of Power

--- Rare ---


3x Magistrate's Scepter
1x Desecrated Tomb (Draft weekend FOIL)
2x Dragon's Hoard
2x Sigiled Sword of Valeron (FOIL)

1x Demanding Dragon
1x Lathliss, Dragon Queen
1x Banefire
2x Sarkhan's Unsealing
1x Spit Flame
2x Dismissive Pyromancer

1x Death Baron
1x Fraying Omnipotence
2x Demon of Catastrophes (1x Promo)
1x Open the Graves (FOIL)
1x Infernal Reckoning
2x Isareth the Awakener (1x Prerelease FOIL, pussissa)

1x Remorseful Cleric
2x Lena, Selfless Champion

5x Thorn Lieutenant
2x Pelakka Wurm
4x Elvish Clancaller
4x Hungering Hydra (1x Prerelease FOIL, 1x FOIL)
2x Prodigious Growth

3x Mystic Archaeologist
2x One with the Machine
1x Windreader Sphinx

+ kasa commoneita + unccuja (Guttersnipe, Reliquary Tower)

- Dominaria -

--- Mythic ---
1x Karn, Scion of Urza
1x Demonlord Belzenlok
1x Darigaaz Reincarnated
1x Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar
1x Weatherlight
4x Verix Bladewing
4x Jaya Ballard

--- Rare ---

5x Hinterland Harbor
2x Sulfur Falls
4x Cabal Stronghold

2x Traxos, Scourge of Kroog
1x Thran Temporal Gateway
1x Mishra's Self-Replicator
2x Forebear's Blade

1x The First Eruption
1x Siege-Gang Commander
1x Squee, the Immortal
2x Haphazard Bombardment
1x Jaya's Immolating Inferno
3x Two-Headed Giant (1x FOIL)

1x Josu Vess, Lich Knight
1x Yawgmoth's Vile Offering
1x Kazarov, Sengir Pureblood
1x Lich's Mastery
1x Torgaar, Famine Incarnate

1x Shalai, Voice of Plenty
1x Benalish Marshal
2x Daring Archaeologist
5x Urza's Ruinous Blast
2x Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle
2x Fall of the Thran
2x Evra, Halcyon Witness

1x Marwyn, the Nurturer (FOIL)
1x Verdant Force
1x Territorial Allosaurus
5x Steel Leaf Champion (1x gameday)
2x Sylvan Awakening (Prerelease FOIL, pussissa)

4x The Mirari Conjecture
3x Zahid, Djinn of the Lamp (3x release promo)

1x Shanna, Sisay's Legacy (Promo)
2x Grand Warlord Radha
3x Jodah, Archmage Eternal
1x Rona, Disciple of Gix (Prerelease FOIL, pussissa)
1x Aryel, Knight of Windgrace (Prerelease FOIL)
2x Primevals' Glorious Rebirth

+ kasa commoneita + unccuja (Damping Sphere, legendoja jne)

- Ixalan & Rivals of Ixalan -

--- Mythic ---
2x Rowdy Crew
1x Boneyard Parley
1x Huatli, Warrior Poet
1x Axis of Mortality

--- Rare ---

1x Rootbound Crag
1x Sunpetal Grove
1x Arch of Orazca

1x Shadowed Caravel

1x Burning Sun's Avatar
1x Brass's Bounty (Promo Foi)
1x Dire Fleet Daredevil (Prerelease FOIL, avaamaton pussissa)
3x Blood Sun
1x Repeating Barrage
1x Vance's Blasting Cannons
1x Etali, Primal Storm

4x Ruin Raider
1x Tomb Robber
1x Vona's Hunger
2x Champion of Dusk
3x Bloodcrazed Paladin (1x FOIL)
1x Fathom Fleet Captain
1x Mastermind's Acquisition

1x Temple Altisaur
1x Priest of the Wakening Sun
1x Sanguine Sacrament
1x Ashes of the Abhorrent
1x Goring Ceratops

4x Jadelight Ranger
3x Ghalta, Primal Hunger
1x Deeproot Champion
1x Deathgorge Scavenger
1x World Shaper

1x Admiral's Order
1x Kumena's Awakening (Prerelease FOIL, avaamaton pussissa)
2x Crafty Cutpurse
1x Arcane Adaptation
2x Herald of Secret Streams
2x Fleet Swallower
4x River's Rebuke
5x Daring Saboteur
1x Silvergill Adept (OpenHouse Foil)

2x Protean Raider
2x Regisaur Alpha

+ kasa commoneita + unccuja (Silvergill, Unclaimed Territory jne)

- Amonkhet & Hour of Devastation -

--- Mythic ---
1x Hazoret the Fervent
1x As Foretold
2x Samut, Voice of Dissent
1x Majestic Myriarch
2x Samut, the Tested
1x The Scorpion God
1x Unesh, Criosphinx Sovereign

--- Rare ---

2x Refuse // Cooperate (1x FOIL)
1x Leave // Chance
3x Driven // Despair(1x FOIL)
2x Heaven // Earth
3x Rags // Riches (1x Prerelease FOIL)
3x Prepare // Fight
2x Commit // Memory
1x Insult // Injury
6x Never // Return
3x Cut // Ribbons
2x Failure // Comply

2x Hostile Desert
2x Endless Sands
1x Ipnu Rivulet (FOIL)
1x Cascading Cataracts
2x Scattered Groves (1x FOIL)
1x Irrigated Farmland
+ Isot kasat full art landeja

1x Abandoned Sarcophagus
1x Pyramid of the Pantheon
1x Oracle's Vault (Release FOIL)

2x Imminent Doom
3x Glorybringer
3x Harsh Mentor
1x Hazoret's Favor (Prerelease FOIL, pussissa)
4x Heart-Piercer Manticore
3x Soul-Scar Mage

3x Ammit Eternal
2x Apocalypse Demon
4x Plague Belcher (1x FOIL)
2x Shadow of the Grave
1x Dispossess
1x Dread Wanderer
3x Hour of Glory

2x Regal Caracal
3x Oketra's Last Mercy
4x Solemnity
1x Djeru, With Eyes Open
1x Angel of Condemnation
2x Aven Mindcensor
3x Glory-Bound Initiate (Prerelease FOIL, pussissa)
2x Gideon's Intervention (1x FOIL)

1x Ramunap Hydra
1x Prowling Serpopard
3x Champion of Rhonas
7x Honored Hydra (1x FOIL)
1x Channeler Initiate
1x Sandwurm Convergence
1x Pride Sovereign

1x Vizier of Many Faces
2x Kefnet's Last Word
1x Nimble Obstructionist (1x Prerelease FOIL, pussissa)
2x Glyph Keeper
2x Curator of Mysteries (Prerelease FOIL, pussissa)
1x New Perspectives (FOIL)
2x Drake Haven

5x Neheb, the Worthy
4x Temmet, Vizier of Naktamun
2x Bounty of the Luxa

+ kasa commoneita + unccuja (Abrade jne)
+ Kortteja "lp/played" kunnossa (osa toki paremmassakin, mutta discalimer ettei tule pahamieli), esim. 3x Rhonas the Indomitable, Combat Celebrant, Kefnet the Mindful, 3x Bontu the Glorified, etc

- Kaladesh & Aether Revolt -

--- Mythic ---
1x Aetherworks Marvel
2x Chandra, Torch of Defiance
2x Metallurgic Summonings
1x Aetherwind Basker
2x Combustible Gearhulk
4x Heart of Kiran
2x Ajani Unyielding
1x Herald of Anguish
1x Exquisite Archangel
1x Lightning Runner
1x Planar Bridge

--- Rare ---

4x Spire of Industry
1x Spirebluff Canal
4x Blooming Marsh
1x Botanical Sanctum
1x Inventors' Fair
4x Concealed Courtyard
2x Aether Hub (FNM FOIL)

1x Electrostatic Pummeler
1x Fleetwheel Cruiser
1x Merchant's Dockhand
2x Key to the City
7x Scrapheap Scrounger
4x Walking Ballista
3x Aethersphere Harvester
6x Inspiring Statuary
1x Lifecrafter's Bestiary
4x Scrap Trawler (1x FOIL)
3x Cultivator's Caravan (1x Prerelease FOIL pussissa)
3x Multiform Wonder
8x Metalwork Colossus
4x Deadlock Trap
2x Ghirapur Orrery
1x Dynavolt Tower

3x Kari Zev, Skyship Raider
2x Release the Gremlins
3x Freejam Regent
2x Quicksmith Rebel
3x Fateful Showdown
4x Territorial Gorger
3x Madcap Experiment
2x Skyship Stalker
1x Cathartic Reunion (FOIL)

1x Fatal Push
1x Glint-Sleeve Siphoner
3x Yahenni's Expertise (1x Prerelease FOIL pussissa)
3x Yahenni, Undying Partisan (1x FOIL)
4x Secret Salvage
4x Battle at the Bridge
4x Midnight Entourage
5x Marionette Master
3x Gonti, Lord of Luxury
7x Midnight Oil
4x Syndicate Trafficker
1x Eliminate the Competition
3x Lost Legacy

1x Toolcraft Exemplar
1x Sram, Senior Edificer
1x Sram's Expertise
1x Aethergeode Miner
2x Call for Unity
2x Solemn Recruit (1x Prerelease FOIL pussissa)
2x Consulate Crackdown
2x Fumigate
4x Captured by the Consulate
9x Aetherstorm Roc
5x Master Trinketeer
1x Refurbish (FOIL)

4x Greenbelt Rampager
2x Aid from the Cowl
3x Rishkar's Expertise
2x Rishkar, Peema Renegade
5x Cultivator of Blades (1x Game Day)
3x Architect of the Untamed
3x Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter
3x Dubious Challenge
4x Bristling Hydra
2x Wildest Dreams (FOIL)
1x Greenwheel Liberator (1x Prerelease FOIL pussissa)

1x Aethertide Whale
4x Quicksmith Spy
1x Disallow
3x Insidious Will
1x Confiscation Coup
4x Saheeli's Artistry (1x FOIL, 1x Launch FOIL)
1x Aethersquall Ancient
4x Padeem, Consul of Innovation
1x Insidious Will
1x Paradoxical Outcome
1x Baral's Expertise
1x Whir of Invention

2x Dark Intimations
2x Oath of Ajani
3x Depala, Pilot Exemplar

+ Iso kasa commoneita + unccuja mm. Fatal Push, Renegade Rallier...

- Shadows over Innistrad & Eldritch Moon -

--- Mythic ---
1x Deploy the Gatewatch
1x Ulrich of the Krallenhorde
1x Ishkanah, Grafwidow
4x Archangel Avacyn
1x Wolf of Devil's Breach
2x Startled Awake
1x The Gitrog Monster
1x Sigarda, Heron's Grace
3x Descend upon the Sinful
1x Goldnight Castigator
2x Ulvenwald Hydra
2x Behold the Beyond
3x Mindwrack Demon
1x Geralf's Masterpiece

--- Rare ---

3x Geier Reach Sanitarium
6x Port Town (2x FOIL)
2x Westvale Abbey
4x Game Trail
3x Drownyard Temple
3x Choked Estuary
1x Hanweir Battlements

2x Stitcher's Graft (FOIL)
2x Distended Mindbender (1x FOIL)
1x Eternal Scourge
3x Lupine Prototype
5x Brain in a Jar
2x Tamiyo's Journal
3x Slayer's Plate
5x Corrupted Grafstone

1x Stromkirk Occultist
3x Impetuous Devils
1x Assembled Alphas
2x Harmless Offering
3x Sin Prodder (1x FOIL)
3x Devils' Playground (1x Prerelease FOIL)
3x Avacyn's Judgment
4x Burn from Within
3x Geier Reach Bandit (1x FOIL)
4x Flameblade Angel
3x Harness the Storm (Prerealese FOIL)
3x Falkenrath Gorger
3x Scourge Wolf
1x Collective Defiance

3x Noosegraf Mob
4x From Under the Floorboards
3x Triskaidekaphobia
1x Asylum Visitor
4x Markov Dreadknight
2x To the Slaughter
1x Triskaidekaphobia
2x Elusive Tormentor (1x FOIL)
2x Ever After

2x Bruna, the Fading Light
2x Providence
4x Odric, Lunarch Marshal
3x Drogskol Cavalry
3x Bygone Bishop (1x Prerelease FOIL)
4x Angel of Deliverance (1x Release FOIL)
1x Declaration in Stone
1x Hanweir Militia Captain
1x Sanctifier of Souls

1x Permeating Mass
1x Ulvenwald Observer
1x Spirit of the Hunt
2x Emrakul's Evangel
4x Traverse the Ulvenwald
3x Soul Swallower
3x Silverfur Partisan
4x Inexorable Blob
5x Second Harvest
4x Sage of Ancient Lore (1x FOIL)
4x Deathcap Cultivator

2x Docent of Perfection
2x Summary Dismissal
1x Niblis of Frost
1x Imprisoned in the Moon (FOIL)
1x Identity Thief (Release FOIL)
5x Engulf the Shore
4x Epiphany at the Drownyard
4x Confirm Suspicions
6x Welcome to the Fold (1x FOIL)
1x Forgotten Creation
2x Nephalia Moondrakes
1x Unsubstantiate

1x Heron's Grace Champion
2x Bloodhall Priest
4x Altered Ego
2x Invocation of Saint Traft
2x Prized Amalgam
1x Fevered Visions

- Battle for Zendikar & Oath of the Gatewatch -

--- Mythic ---

1x Mirrorpool
2x Crush of Tentacles (1x FOIL)
2x General Tazri
1x Inverter of Truth
3x World Breaker
2x Sphinx of the Final Word
4x Part the Waterveil
1x Kiora, Master of the Depths
1x Omnath, Locus of Rage
1x Linvala, the Preserver

--- Rare ---

1x Wandering Fumarole
6x Corrupted Crossroads (1x Prerelease FOIL, pussissa)
4x Sea Gate Wreckage
3x Needle Spires
8x Ruins of Oran-Rief
3x Hissing Quagmire
2x Prairie Stream
2x Shrine of the Forsaken Gods
2x Ally Encampment (1x FOIL)
2x Shambling Vent
1x Lumbering Falls
4x Sunken Hollow
2x Cinder Glade

4x Stoneforge Masterwork
2x Deceiver of Form
4x Captain's Claws
1x Eldrazi Mimic
2x Thought-Knot Seer
1x Blight Herder
1x Aligned Hedron Network

1x Fall of the Titans
2x Oath of Chandra
4x Tyrant of Valakut (1x Prerelease FOIL, pussissa)
1x Akoum Hellkite
2x Serpentine Spike
3x Zada, Hedron Grinder
1x Barrage Tyrant
3x Radiant Flames
1x Goblin Dark-Dwellers (BoB)

4x Stone Haven Outfitter
4x Call the Gatewatch
3x Oath of Gideon (1x Prerelease FOIL, pussissa)
1x Munda's Vanguard
2x Hero of Goma Fada
3x Lantern Scout

2x Drana's Chosen (1x Prerelease FOIL, pussissa)
2x Remorseless Punishment (1x FOIL)
4x Bearer of Silence
6x Dread Defiler (1x Prerelease FOIL, pussissa)
4x Sifter of Skulls
3x Ruinous Path
1x Defiant Bloodlord
4x Wasteland Strangler (1x FOIL)

4x Oath of Nissa
2x Vile Redeemer
3x Zendikar Resurgent
2x Sylvan Advocate
2x Beastcaller Savant
1x Oran-Rief Hydra
4x Nissa's Renewal

4x Overwhelming Denial
5x Deepfathom Skulker
2x Hedron Alignment
3x Dimensional Infiltrator
1x Scatter to the Winds
2x Drowner of Hope
2x Exert Influence
1x Ugin's Insight
1x Prism Array

4x Jori En, Ruin Diver
4x Mina and Denn, Wildborn (1x Prerelease FOIL, pussissa)
1x Veteran Warleader
2x Dust Stalker
1x March from the Tomb
1x Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper
1x Fathom Feeder

+ Käytännössä kaikkia mahdollisia unkkuja setistä, kommoneita vieläkin runsaammin

Tarkir Block:

--- Rare ---

1x Ghostfire Blade
1x Dragon Throne of Tarkir

1x Rally the Ancestors (Foil)

1x Dragon-Style Twins (FOIL)
1x Ashcloud Phoenix
2x Howl of the Horde
1x Flamerush Rider
1x Crater's Claws
1x Volcanic Vision
1x Ire Shaman

1x Grim Haruspex (Prerelease FOIL)
1x Foul Renewal

1x Meandering Towershell
3x Hardened Scales

1x Thousand Winds (Prerelease FOIL)
1x Icy Blast

2x Sage of the Inward Eye
1x Sagu Mauler
2x Temur Ascendancy
1x Ivorytusk Fortress
1x Kheru Lich Lord
1x Mardu Ascendancy
1x Villainous Wealth
1x Dromoka's Command (Prerelease FOIL)
2x Silumgar's Command
1x Dragonlord Silumgar (1x Spania)


--- Rare ---
4x Languish
1x Talent of the Telepath
4x Displacement Wave
1x Gaea's Revenge
1x Tainted Remedy
4x Shivan Reef (2x M15)
4x Caves of Koilos (1x M15)
4x Llanowar Wastes (1x M15)
4x Yavimaya Coast (1x M15)
4x Battlefield Forge (4x M15)
1x Infinite Obliteration

Vanhemmat Rare-laput + randomit:

1 Transcendent Message (Store Promo)
1 Tameshi, Reality Architect (MTG leima)
1 Memory Erosion (commander anth)
1 Ancestral Vision Time Spiral
1 Hive Mind (M10)
1 River Kelpie Shadowmoor
3 Jwari Shapeshifter Worldwake
2 Kira, Great Glass-Spinner Betrayers of Kamigawa
1 Hypnotic Siren Journey into Nyx (FOIL)
2 Sage of Hours Journey into Nyx
3 Battlefield Thaumaturge Journey into Nyx
2 Daring Thief Journey into Nyx
3 Dictate of Kruphix Journey into Nyx
4 Scourge of Fleets Journey into Nyx
1 Polymorphous Rush Journey into Nyx
1 Tunnel Vision Ravnica
1 Arcanis the Omnipotent Onslaught
1 Mahamoti Djinn M (1x FOIL)
1 Echo Mage Rise of the Eldrazi (1x FOIL)
1 Denizen of the Deep M
1 Sky Swallower Guildpact
1 Magus of the Bazaar Planar of Chaos
1 Counterbore M
1 Evacuation M
1 Parallel Thoughts Scourge
1 Telekinetic Bonds Judgment
1 Dream Leash Ravnica
1 Sphinx of Magosi Rise of the Eldrazi
1 Clone M11
1 Clone Onslaught
1 Mind Spring M
1 Stormtide Leviathan M11
1 Faces of the Past Scourge
1 Spawnbroker Ravnica
1 Cerulean Sphinx Ravnica
1 Planar Overlay Planeshift
1 Knacksaw Clique Shadowmoor
1 Recurring Insight Rise of the Eldrazi
1 Dominating Licid Exodus
2 Grozoth Ravnica
1 Redirect M11
1 Distorting Wake Invasion
1 Dreamborn Muse Legions

1 Massacre Girl (Ravnica Remastered old frame)
2 Curse of Death's Hold
1 Black Market Jumpstart
2 Living End Time Spiral
1 Guul Draz Assassin Rize of the Eldrazi
1 Ashling, the Extinguisher Eventide
1 Nihilistic GleeDissension
4 Kalastria Highborn Worldwake
1 Malakir Bloodwitch Zendikar
2 Worst Fears Journey into Nyx
6 Extinguish All Hope Journey into Nyx
1 Dictate of Erebos Journey into Nyx
4 Doomwake Giant Journey into Nyx
1 Silence the Believers Journey into Nyx
1 Master of the Feast Journey into Nyx
1 Baneful Omen Rise of the Eldrazi
1 Midnight Ritual Tenth Edition
2 Soul Collector Scourge (1x Prerelase FOIL)
1 Abyssal Persecutor Worldwake
1 Necroplasm Ravnica
1 Whip of Erebos Theros
1 Umbra Stalker Eventide
1 Nether Shadow Fourth Edition
1 Phylactery Lich M11
4 Plunge into Darkness Fifth Dawn
1 Woebringer Demon Ravnica
1 Hollow Specter Legions
2 Empty the Catacombs Ravnica
1 Nantuko Shade M11
3 Necrotic Plague M11
2 False Cure Onslaught
1 Sadistic Sacrament Zendikar
1 Skeletal Vampire Guildpact
1 Notorious Assassin Mercadian Masques
1 Abyssal Horror Urza’s Saga
1 Rebel Informer Prophecy
1 Greel, Mind Raker Prophecy
1 Death Wish Judgment
1 Larceny Eighth Edition
3 Rathi Assassin Nemesis
1 Cabal Conditioning Scourge
1 Xathrid Gorgon M13 (1x Prerelase FOIL)
4 Endless Whispers Fifth Dawn
1 Visara the Dreadful Onslaught
1 Do or Die Invasion
1 Bad Moon Fourth Edition (Saksa)
1 Wit's End Dissension
1 Will-o'-the-Wisp Fourth Edition

1 Mizzix's Mastery (Ravnica Remastered old frame)
1 Eidolon of the Great Revel (1x Promo FOIL)
1 Goblin Guide (Promo)
1 Wheel of Misfortune (Commander Legends)
1 Goblin Rabblemaster M15
1 Pyromancer Ascension (Zendikar)
2 Prophetic Flamespeaker Journey into Nyx
4 Bearer of the Heavens Journey into Nyx
1 Spikeshot Elder MM15
4 Eidolon of the Great Revel Journey into Nyx
6 Harness by Force (2x FOIL) Journey into Nyx
5 Dictate of the Twin Gods Journey into Nyx
3 Twinflame Journey into Nyx
1 Spawn of Thraxes Journey into Nyx
2 Bloodshot Cyclops Urza’s Destiny
1 Kamahl, Pit Fighter Tenth Edition
1 Excruciator Ravnica
1 Hammer of Bogardan Mirage
1 Cragganwick Cremator Shadowmoor
1 Flame Fusillade Ravnica
1 Jeska, Warrior Adept Judgment
1 Knollspine Invocation Shadowmoor
2 Cyclops Gladiator M11
1 Siege of Towers Guildpact
1 Goblin Chieftain M11
1 Shivan Dragon M10
1 Leyline of Punishment M11
1 Devastating Dreams Torment
1 Radiate Torment
1 Shunt Darksteel
1 Thunderscape Master Invasion
1 Breath of Fury Ravnica
1 Mizzium Mortars Return to Ravnica
1 Moggcatcher Nemesis

1 The Wandering Emperor (MTG Leima)
1 Wakening Sun's Avatar (Commander Masters 23)
1 Starlight Spectacular
1 Chancellor of the Annex New Phyrexia
1 Stonehewer Giant (Extras)
1 Tempered Steel Scars of Mirrodin
4 Rally the Ancestors Fate Reforged
1 Skybind Journey into Nyx
1 Dawnbringer Charioteers Journey into Nyx
2 Launch the Fleet Journey into Nyx
3 Aegis of the Gods Journey into Nyx
1 Elite Inquisitor Innistrad
1 Daybreak Coronet (Modern Masters)
1 Pulsemage Advocate Judgment
1 Glowrider Legions
1 Selfless Exorcist Judgment
1 Warrior Angel Stronghold
1 Knight Exemplar M11
1 Conqueror’s Pledge Zendikar
1 Catapult Master Onslaught
1 Commander Eesha Judgment
1 Light of Sanction Ravnica
1 Kabira Evangel Zendikar
1 Righteousness Tenth Edition
1 Raksha Golden Cub Fifth Dawn
1 Ghosts of the Innocent Ravnica
1 Words of Worship Onslaught
1 Pentarch Paladin Time Spiral
1 Faith's Reward M13
1 Shaman en-Kor Stronghold
1 Marble Titan Tempest
1 Flickerform Ravnica
1 Kinsbaile Cavalier Morningtide

1 Lotus Petal (Promo FOIL)
1 Arcane Signet (Magic Barcelona Promo)
2 Phyrexian Revoker Mirrodin Besieged
1 Nim Deathmantle Scars of Mirrodin
1 Mindslaver Mirrodin
1 Semblance Anvil Scars of Mirrodin
3 Hall of Triumph Journey into Nyx
1 Helm of Kaldra Fifth Dawn
1 Moonsilver Spear Avacyn Restored (1x Prerelase FOIL)
1 Memory Crystal Exodus
1 Rakdos Riteknife Dissension
1 Booby Trap Tempest
1 Jinxed Idol M11
1 Jinxed Idol Tempest
1 Sphinx-Bone Wand Rise of Eldrazi
2 Thran Golem Urza’s Destiny
1 Beast of Burden Ninth Edition

1 Sulfur Falls (Dominaria Remastered)
4 Seachrome Coast
1 Forest GP
1 Mountain GP
1 Island GP
1 Plains GP
2 Temple of Epiphany Journey into Nyx
1 Temple of Malady Journey into Nyx
4 Battlefield Forge
1 Boseiju, Who Shelters All Champions of Kamigawa
1 Stirring Wildwood Worldwake
3 Glacial Fortress 1x M11 2x M10
1 Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers Champions of Kamigawa
2 Rootbound Crag M11, M12
1 Drowned Catacomb M11

1 Kibo, Uktabi Prince
1 Chancellor of the Tangle
1 Eidolon of Blossoms Journey into Nyx
1 Ant Queen MM15
2 Pheres-Band Warchief Journey into Nyx
4 Hydra Broodmaster Journey into Nyx
2 Setessan Tactics Journey into Nyx
2 Heroes' Bane Journey into Nyx
2 Primordial Sage Ravnica
1 Gaea's Revenge M11
3 Squirrel Mob Odyssey
1 Realms Uncharted Rise of Eldrazi
2 Restock Invasion
1 Collective Unconscious Mercadian Masques
1 Mul Daya Channelers Rise of Eldrazi
1 Vitalizing Wind Prophecy
1 Phantom Nantuko Judgment
1 Sprouting Phytohydra Dissension
1 Rushwood Elemental Mercadian Masques
3 Forgotten Ancient Scourge
1 Symbiotic Wurm Onslaught
1 Reach of Branches Lorwyn
1 Tajuru Preserver Rise of Eldrazi
1 Vinelasher Kudzu Ravnica
1 Tempting Wurm Onslaught
2 Silvos, Rogue Elemental Onslaught
1 Scion of the Wild Tenth Edition
1 Liege of the Hollows Weatherlight
1 Hunted Troll Ravnica
1 Epic Struggle Judgment
1 Vine Dryad Mercadian Masques
1 Upwelling Scourge
2 Dramatic Entrance Shadowmoor
1 Thriss, Nantuko Primus Judgment
2 Biorhythm Onslaught
1 Overwhelming Stampede M11
1 Kamahl, Fist of Krosa Onslaught
2 Mitotic Slime M11
1 Elderscale Wurm M13
1 Feral Throwback Legions (1x Prerelase FOIL)
1 Elder Druid Fifth Edition
1 Kavu Lair Invasion
1 Force of Nature Ninth Edition (1x Prerelase FOIL)
1 Possessed Centaur Torment
1 Kavu Titan Invasion
1 Rowen Visions
1 Sylvan Primordial GateCrash
1 Boon Satyr Theros

1 Revel of the Fallen God Journey into Nyx
1 Avatar of Discord Dissension (1x Prerelase FOIL)
1 Gleancrawler Ravnica (1x Prerelase FOIL)
1 Warping Wurm Mirage
1 Ghostly Flame Ice Age
1 Guiding Spirit Visions
1 Doran, the Siege Tower Lorwyn
1 Bound // Determined Dissension
1 Soltari Guerrillas Tempest
1 Dromar, the Banisher Invasion
1 Meteor Storm Invasion
1 Mayael the Anima Shards of Alara
1 Gaze of Granite Dragon’s Maze
1 Counterflux Return to Ravnica
1 Reaper of the Wilds Theros
1 Tolsimir Wolfblood Ravnica
1 Darigaaz, the Igniter Invasion
1 Bladewing the Risen Scourge
1 Aura Mutation Invasion
1 Death Grasp Apocalypse
1 Teysa, Orzhov Scion Guildpact
1 Djinn Illuminatus Guildpact
1 Rakdos the Defiler Dissension
1 Titanic Ultimatum Shards of Alara
1 Din of the Fireherd Shadowmoor
1 Aethermage's Touch Dissension
1 Oversoul of Dusk Shadowmoor
1 Pride of the Clouds Dissension
1 Realm Razer Shards of Alara
1 Vexing Shusher Shadowmoor
1 Experiment Kraj Dissension

Common / Uncommon käyttikset:
3 Brainstorm Ice Age
3 Sleight of Hand Seventh Edition
2 Sleight of Hand Ninth Edition
1 Deprive Rise of the Eldrazi
2 Silvergill Adept Lorwyn
1 Standstill Odyssey
8 Preordain M11
1 Fatestitcher Shards of Alara
1 Swords to Plowshares NO SET ??
2 Soltari Priest Tempest
1 Soltari Monk Tempest
1 Mana Tithe Planar Chaos
1 Ward Sliver Legions
1 Veteran Explorer Weatherlight
1 Nature's Claim Worldwake
1 Wild Nacatl Shards of Alara
2 Wirewood Symbiote Scourge
1 Oxidize Darksteel
3 Spider Umbra Rise of the Eldrazi
2 Cultivate M11 1xFOIL
2 Imperious Perfect Lorwyn
1 Become Immense Khans of Tarkir
2 Birchlore Rangers Onslaught
4 Choke Tempest
3 Vines of Vastwood Zendikar
1 Tangle Invasion
1 Groundswell Worldwake
1 Leechridden Swamp Shadowmoor
4 Lightning Bolt 3 M10, 1 4th
2 Fireblast Visions
4 Fiery Temper Time Spiral
4 Fiery Temper Torment
4 Violent Eruption Torment
1 Seething Song Ninth Edition
2 Seething Song Mirrodin
5 Molten Rain Mirrodin
1 Shard Volley Morning Tide
2 Searing Blaze Worldwake
1 Rift Bolt Time Spiral
1 Simian Spirit Guide Planar Chaos
1 Hypnotic Specter NO SET ??
3 Golgari Thug Ravnica: City of Guilds
2 Darkblast Ravnica: City of Guilds
2 Crypt Sliver Legions
4 Viscera Seer M11
1 Grave Scrabbler Future Sight
1 Unearth Urza’s Legacy
4 Night's Whisper Fifth Dawn
5 Diabolic Edict Tempest
1 Vampire Hexmage Zendikar
1 Thopter Foundry Alara Reborn
2 Shield of the Oversoul Shadowmoor
1 Slippery Bogle Eventide
1 Congregation at Dawn Ravnica: City of Guilds
1 Tidehollow Sculler Shards of Alara
1 Spinneret Sliver Time Spiral
1 Opaline Sliver Time Spiral
1 Elsewhere Flask Shadowmoor
2 Lotus Petal Tempest
3 Cranial Plating Fifth Dawn
1 Lantern of Insight Fifth Dawn
1 Sword of the Meek Future Sight