

Aihe: FyPin (W: MODERN merfolk H: Modern bob judgefoil / T2, Falkenrath Aristocrat, Hellkite ) (Luettu 1448 kertaa)

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Listoja katselen mielelläni.
Korkeinta wanttia

1x Master of the Pearl Trident

Hight Want

3x Thoughtseize
2x Sphinx's Revelation
4x Mangara of Corondor
1x Wasteland
4x Dark Confidant
2x Mutavault
4x Remand

Medium - High Want

3x Liliana of the Veil

Medium Want

1x Spell Burst
1x Umezawa's Jitte
2x Myr Superion ( Gameday art )

Low Want

4x Fulminator Mage
3x Cryptic Command
3x Karakas


4x Restore Balance
4x Greater Gargadon
Muutakin saattaa löytyä mitä tarvittaan

Mercadian Masques setin basic ländejä foileina
1x Dark Confidant ( Judge Foil ) Lähdössä vain jos vaihdossa on tulossa mukana normaali Dark Confidant tilalle

1x Desceration Demon
2x Liliana of the Dark Realms
1x Goryo's Vengeance
1x Pontiff of Blight ( Foil )
1x Killing Wave ( Foil )
2x Tormented Soul ( FNM Foil )
4x Vampire Nighthawk ( FNM Foil )
1x Blood Seeker ( Foil )
4x Duress ( M11-13 )
1x Seize the Soul
1x Reaper from The Abyss
1x Bridge from Below ( MoM )
1x Ob Nixilis, the Fallen

1x Path to Exile
3x Angel of Glory's Rise
2x Wall of Omens
2x Rhox Faithmender
1x Renounce the Guilds ( Foil )
4x White Knight ( Unlimited / revisited )

1x Mirror-Mad Phantasm ( Foil )
1x Mind Control ( FNM Foil )
1x Cosi's Trickster ( Foil )
2x Spell Pierce
1x Lord of Atlantis ( Timeshifted)
1x Glen Elendra Archmage ( Foil )
1x Spell Snare ( Foil )
1x Kira, Great Glass-Spinner
1x Scion of Oona

3x Worldspine Wurm
4x Acidic Slime ( FNM Foil )
1x Tree of Redemption
1x Craterhoof Behemoth
2x Deadbridge Goliath ( Release promo Foil)
2x Sylvan Primordial
1x Silvos, Rogue Elemental ( Onslaught )
3x Nissa Revane

1x Thundermaw Hellkite
1x Ball Lightning
1x Inferno Titan
4x Lightning Bolt
2x Pyroclasm
3x Fling ( FNM Foil )
2x Magmaquake ( Gameday extended art Foil
1x Comet Storm ( Zendikar prerelease Foil )
1x Oros, the Avenger (Planar Chaos prerelease Foil)
1x Banefire
1x Grapeshot ( MM Foil )

4x Qasali Pridemage ( Alara )
3x Falkenrath Aristocrat
1x Progenitor Mimic ( Foil )
1x Aurelia's Fury
1x Savageborn Hydra
1x Boros Charm
2x Selesnya Charm
1x Firemane Avenger ( Gameday Extened Art Foil )
1x Rakdos, Lord of Riots
2x Melek, Izzet Paragon ( Gameday Extended Art Foil )
1x Ghor-Clan Rampager ( Foil )
1x Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch ( Foil )
2x Mind Funeral
3x Zhur-Taa Ancient
2x Plasm Capture
1x Blightning ( Foil )
2x Cryptborn Horror ( Gameday extended art Foil)
1x Lich Lord of Unx
1x Savra, Queen of the Golgari
1x Merciless Eviction
1x Sheoldred, Whispering One ( Prerelease foil )
1x Mycoid Shepherd
2x Glissa, the Traitor ( 1x prerelease promo ja 1 normi)
1x Assemble the Legion
2x Catch // Release
2x Obzedat's Aid
2x Flesh // Blood
1x Broodmate Dragon
2x Trygon Predator
4x Kitchen Finks ( Joko shadowmoor tai FNM Foil, saa valita)

Artifact / Colorless
1x Eldrazi Conscription
1x Venser's Journal
1x Sword of Vengeance
1x Contagion Engine
1x Howling Mine ( 7th edition )
1x Engineered Explosives ( Foil )
1x Izzet Signet ( Japski Foil )

1x Reliquary Tower ( FNM Foil )
4x Ancient Ziggurat (FNM Foil)
1x Gilt-Leaf Palace ( Foil )
2x Cathedral of War
2x Evolving Wilds ( FNM Foil )
3x Maze's End ( DGM Prerelease Foil )
1x Glimmervoid ( MoM )

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