
Kirjoittaja Aihe: Scandinavian Open Tukholmassa 3.-6.1.2014  (Luettu 2686 kertaa)

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Scandinavian Open Tukholmassa 3.-6.1.2014
« : 14.11.13 - klo 17:45 »
Tukholmassa järjestetään tammikuun alussa Magic-turnaus/tapahtuma Scandinavian Open. Tässä turnausjärjestäjien tarjoamat infot Lontoon murteella:

What is Scandinavian Open?

Scandinavian Open is what we hope will become a milestone in the development of the Nordic Magic community. We want to make sure that there’s something besides Wizards-run events to look forward to. We want this to be the beginning of something like a Nordic StarCityGames Open series or a Bazaar of Moxen.

To make this happen, we are working with some of the greatest Magic actors in the Nordic area: SvenskaMagicförbundet, Dragon’s Lair, Vasa Gaming and SvenskaMagic. Together with these great organizations we are working to bring you something out of the ordinary.

Scandinavian Open is a non-profit event and will consist of a large main tournament as well as side events, workshops, seminars, casual play and much more.

The main event will be a two day event. We’ve chosen to run it as limited so that everyone can participate regardless of how many cards they own. Sealed deck for day 1 where the ones who performed the best will go on to day 2. Day 2 will consist of drafts as well as a top 8 that also will be run as draft.


We will base the prizes on the participation numbers. The more players show up, the more cool prizes will be added to the prize pool.

Of course we want to add an incentive. So regardless of participation, we guarantee some prizes. There will be at least a piece of power 9 plus reasonable prizes for the rest of the top 8.

So the more of your friends you get to tag along and participate, the more awesome prize support. It also increases the chances that we can get this to be the start of more of this kind of fun events.

Where and when?

Scandinavian Open will take place the 3-6 January at the MY:2014 fair at Stockholm International Fairs. We will be in the NärCon venue.

Okay, tell me more?
More info will be announced as we get closer to the date. However here are some of the reasons of why we hope you will be at Scandinavian Open:

1.   Large and incredibly awesome Magic tournament that will be the start of a tournament series. Regardless of whether you are a serious tournament player or just enjoy hanging out with friends, this event will be a can’t-miss experience.
2.   All participants of the main event will get a goodie bag with some fun content. Something for all you casual players with some fun cards. There will be a chance to get some more valuable cards. More information on the contents of these will be revealed closer to the date.
3.   Seminars on Friday with the teacher and Magic pro Jonathan Bergström. Do you feel nervous at the thought of an event with a lot of players? Come join us the day before, get a thorough walkthrough and ask any questions you might have.
4.   Workshops, cosplay, side events and casual events. The entire MY convention as well as NärCon will have a lot of stuff going on. Don’t want to play the tournament? There will be learn-to-play Magic, Commander tables, casual play, Magic cosplay and much more.

Questions and other?

Would you like to help out with this project in any way? Maybe you have something you want to present a seminar on? A side event you would like to see happen or something else? Get in touch.

If you have any thoughts, opinions, questions, unclarities: let us know and we will get back to you!

We sincerely hope you will join us and help make this event to something unique! Without you it isn’t possible!

See you there!
Samuel and Eskil
« Viimeksi muokattu: 14.11.13 - klo 19:26 kirjoittanut luma »

Poissa Sir Marde

Vs: Scandinavian Open Tukholmassa 3.-6.1.2014
« Vastaus #1 : 14.11.13 - klo 19:00 »
Helposti huomaa että ruotsissa vain yksi sana pris vastaa lontooksi sekä prize että price.

Poissa Roinisto

Vs: Scandinavian Open Tukholmassa 3.-6.1.2014
« Vastaus #2 : 14.11.13 - klo 20:14 »
Kuulostaa hienolta kun tämmöistä järjestetään.

Poissa Anssi

Vs: Scandinavian Open Tukholmassa 3.-6.1.2014
« Vastaus #3 : 14.11.13 - klo 20:16 »
Maanantai-Torstai vähän raskas.
Kaikki kortit löytyvät myös Cardtraderistä

Poissa Saimu

Vs: Scandinavian Open Tukholmassa 3.-6.1.2014
« Vastaus #4 : 14.11.13 - klo 20:19 »
Maanantai-Torstai vähän raskas.
Gustav Biha?
"Et pysähdy, kun olet väsynyt - pysähdyt, kun olet maalissa."

Poissa freedfromthereal

Vs: Scandinavian Open Tukholmassa 3.-6.1.2014
« Vastaus #5 : 14.11.13 - klo 20:52 »
Maanantai-Torstai vähän raskas.

Nyt tais joku katsoa väärää kalenterisivua. pe-ma tuo taitaa olla.
"It's that moment of dawning comprehension I live for."
- Hobbes, Calvin and hobbes

Poissa luma

Vs: Scandinavian Open Tukholmassa 3.-6.1.2014
« Vastaus #6 : 14.11.13 - klo 20:53 »
Maanantai-Torstai vähän raskas.

Viimeksi kun tarkistin (äsken), 3.1. on perjantai ja 6.1. maanantai. Lisäksi itse pääturnaus on la-su.

Poissa malin

  • L1-tuomari / MtgSuomi Premium™
  • Vaihtopalaute:
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  • **
  • Taas Helsinginforssassa
Vs: Scandinavian Open Tukholmassa 3.-6.1.2014
« Vastaus #7 : 14.11.13 - klo 21:17 »
Ja maanantai 6.1. on loppiainen eli pyhäpäivä (nykyisen lain mukaan)
DCI Lvl 1 judge
Enpä keksinyt tähän mitään hyvää sanottavaa joten en sitten sano mitään.
Mutta sanonpas kuitenkin tän minkä kuulin: Hölmöydestä saimutetaan.

Poissa luma

Vs: Scandinavian Open Tukholmassa 3.-6.1.2014
« Vastaus #8 : 11.12.13 - klo 16:05 »
Tapahtumalla on nyt myös nettisivut ja FB-eventti.