
Kirjoittaja Aihe: Shadows over Innistrad. Constructed and Limited Reviews.  (Luettu 4412 kertaa)

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Poissa Bor

Well, few thing were said here and there already, yet I think you may enjoy some other general opinions
on the new cards in Constructed and Limited. 

I want to start first with


Part 1

Part 2

Mostly Standard and Modern usage. A bit of Legacy too.

I would record+type on Limited probably after the Prerelease weekend after I get a bit more sense on strategies, etc.

Some article on Constructed will also be there, but I want to talk there about something more unique, more insightful, and it will likely be concise. Perhaps, I would approach this by looking through the prism of what archtypes will show up first and what tools we will have to counteract each of them.

If you wish to help or support with any materials - feel free. Also I would gladly response to any constructive feedback or opinions on the set or my work. Atm I cannot really control technical issues, though. And I do wish I would have all the time in the world and a big crowd.

Generally speaking the set looks great to me so far. Nothing absolutely retarded just yet, although I can see some potential for uber builds. I don't mind tribals. This means a lot decks might be viable and affordable. 

Poissa Bor

Vs: Shadows over Innistrad. Constructed and Limited Reviews.
« Vastaus #1 : 23.03.16 - klo 16:12 »
Just finished going deeper into Standard and added Limited thoughts,
since we had a bunch of new spoilers, though some were not that exciting.
Probably would suffice with just one more final tape later on wrapping up Standard and Limited.

Working on a comparative article now for threats and answers in Standard. 

Poissa Bor

Vs: Shadows over Innistrad. Constructed and Limited Reviews.
« Vastaus #2 : 25.03.16 - klo 18:55 »
There you have it:


I think this should give you a few good starting tips on how to build your decks in new Standard in terms of responding to opposing permaments.

(Hey, Lights Out!)   

Poissa Bor

Vs: Shadows over Innistrad. Constructed and Limited Reviews.
« Vastaus #3 : 27.03.16 - klo 19:21 »
"Hello, Jace," she said. She looked him up and down in obvious appraisal. "Nice coat."

Full spoiler has been up now for couple days already and there was a lot that I still wanted to say.
In fact I had so much, that instead of a half hour conclusion, I ended up with a very long track, which I split up in order not to torture anybody over the limit.

Wrap-up parts. Standard and Limited. (See previous chapters above)

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Merry Spookiness, bruders und schwesters!

- Maelström Pulze

Poissa Bor

Vs: Shadows over Innistrad. Constructed and Limited Reviews.
« Vastaus #4 : 31.03.16 - klo 00:12 »

Got some juice before the Prerelease weekend.
A short article, so that you don't mess up at key aspects of Limited with this set.

Here it is.

Hardcore players may help people with more advises in this topic to assist the general public.

Buenos noches!