
Kirjoittaja Aihe: New Guy!  (Luettu 3494 kertaa)

0 jäsentä ja 1 Vieras katselee tätä aihetta.

Poissa Vetur

New Guy!
« : 11.08.16 - klo 22:29 »
Hello everyone,

I just moved to Tampere for studies, being originally from Israel and having spent the past 4 years studying in Vilnius, Lithuania, where I started playing Magic about at the DTK prerelease. I am not a very competitive player, and I often play with budget decks due to being poor :)

I played mostly limited and standard, but am interested in getting into commander and (budget) modern, as well as casual and playtesting. Where can I play in Tampere? Any tips and info? Also, would it be a problem that I do not speak Finnish (yet)?

Thanks, and nice to meet you all!

Poissa kundi joka makeilee

Vs: New Guy!
« Vastaus #1 : 11.08.16 - klo 22:51 »
A good place to play Commander in Tampere is the Bar 931 on tuesdays at around 6 pm.
W: legakäyttiksiä H: standardkuraa

"Shufflaa dekkis niin mä kuttaan, sitten judge postaa seatingsit."

Poissa Kylis

Vs: New Guy!
« Vastaus #2 : 11.08.16 - klo 23:00 »
Welcome to Tampere!

Best place to draft is bar Artturi in the city center (address is Kauppakatu 9). Local store Sensei's Divining Shop has a draft there every Tuesday starting at 17.00. On Friday's Puolenkuun Pelit (Hämeenkatu 17 is their address) has a FNM tournament at 17.00 and it's usually standard. If you want to try out modern/legacy there are lots of tournaments mostly on mondays in Ravintola 931 or on Thursdays/Saturdays in Semafori. The legacy events usually allow to play with proxy deck so it won't come with price.
Lainaus käyttäjältä: RobertHatt
kohtuullisen tunnettu pro-pelaaja ja turnausraportoija

Poissa Meltyman

Vs: New Guy!
« Vastaus #3 : 11.08.16 - klo 23:13 »
Welcome to Finland!

Also, would it be a problem that I do not speak Finnish (yet)?

^---- can't say about the Tampere scene, but atleast in Jyväskylä it hasn't been a problem. Pretty much everyone here speaks English well enough that you can play with them and socialize.