Elffipallo ja rutku moderniin!
Unban: Golgari Grave-Troll, Dread Return, Glimpse of Nature
Ban: ?Birthing Pod on kova, mutten osaa sanoa onko tarpeeksi kova ansaitakseen banaania.
Alkuperäiset syyt banaaneihin löytyvät
vuoden 2011 modernin alkuinfosta:
We used two criteria to guide us in choosing what cards to ban. First, we have a rule of thumb about Legacy that we don't like consistent turn-two combination decks, but that turn-three combination decks are okay. We modified that rule for Modern by adding a turn to each side: we are going to allow turn-four combination decks, but not decks that consistently win the game on turn three. We banned enough additional cards that we think such decks no longer exist in this format...
ELFBALL FORMAATTIIN!The Glimpse of Nature-fueled Elf combination deck was another consistent turn-three deck we found at the Community Cup. By using Nettle Sentinel, Heritage Druid, and Glimpse of Nature together with tons of low-cost Elves, these decks can produce enormous amounts of mana while drawing unbounded amounts of cards. Green Sun's Zenith and Summoner's Pact give the deck extra consistency as well as a strong backup card-drawing engine with Regal Force. Glimpse of Nature is the engine that gives the deck its deadly explosiveness, and it is now gone. I expect that the deck is still playable without it, but that it will no longer be a turn-three deck.
Toisin kuin modernin alkaessa, GSZ on nykyään banaanissa, joten dekin voimasuhde voisi olla kunnossa, vaikka
Craterhoof Behemoth onkin lisäksi formaatissa. Vähän konpoa lisää metaan ei olisi mielestäni pahitteeksi. Toisaalta, nyt kun mietin, voisi 8 manaa tulla aika vikkelästi ja Behemoth-overrun on aika tyly.
RUTKU FORMAATTIIN!The last turn-three deck that remained was Dredge. While Golgari Grave-Troll was banned, we found that Dredge was still very capable of turn-three kills. On top of this, Dredge is not known for being fun to have around. Although games against it are often interesting, the larger game of deciding whether to dedicate enough sideboard slots to defeat it or ignore it completely and hope not to play against it is one that is not very satisfying for most tournament players. We chose to ban the most explosive graveyard card rather than leave that subgame present.
Modernin tulon jälkeen on printattu
Rest in Peace ja
Grafdigger's Cage, vanhojen Leyline of the Voidin, Relic of Progenituksen ja Tormod's Cryptin lisäksi. Dredgellä voisi olla paikka modernissa.