

Aihe: Shazzle's bazaar (Luettu 1892 kertaa)

Poissa shazzle

Kaikki kortit ovat ex-nm -kuntoisia Magicarsenalin mukaan, valtaosa kuitenkin nm-.

Laitan uudet korttini jokaisen listan alkuun, toiselle riville, väreittäin.

Olen joskus hieman hajamielinen, joten jeesaa vähän ja kun ehdotat tradea yksityisviestissä käytä "lainaus"ta niin että vaihtoon halutut kortit ovat ainakin viimeisessä viestissä. Näin minulta unohtuu vähemmän kortteja lähetyksestä ja ihmiset saa sitä mitä tilaa. Kiitos!

Selaamisen iloa! :]

1x Devoted Caretaker
4x Retether
2x Stoneforge Mystic
4x Abolish
1x Pariah (US) voin vaihtaa myös yhden kymppiedikan takaisin
4x Enlistment Officer
1x Patrol Signaler
2x Preeminent Captain
1x Mirror-Sigil Sergeant
3x Wall of Reverence
1x Hokori, Dust Drinker
4x Rolling Stones (SH)
4x Order of Whiteclay

1x Plaguebearer
2x Doomsday (WL)
2x Lord of the Undead (PS)

4x Carpet of Flowers
1x Song of Serenity
4x New Frontiers
4x Wirewood Hivemaster

4x Tideforce Elemental
1x Snapcaster Mage
1x Sower of Temptation
3x Meditate
2x Mask of the Mimic
3x Arcane Laboratory (US)
1x Time Walk
1x Ancestral Recall

4x Chaotic Backlash
2x Magma Jet
4x Ashling's Prerogative
1x Hateflayer

2x Augury Adept
1x Sphinx of the Steel Wind
1x Sphinx Summoner
4x Gilder Bairn
1x Conflux
1x Deus of Calamity
3x Gaddock Teeg

2x Ethersworn Adjudicator
2x Everflowing Chalice
1x Pili-Pala
1x Master Transmuter
1x Mox Sapphire
1x Mox Emerald
1x Mox Jet
1x Mox Ruby
1x Black Lotus
4x Coretapper FOIL 1.5€/8€ setti
1x Altar of Dementia

2x Kor Haven


2x Zephyr Sprite
1x Rhystic Study

1x Field of Souls
1x Aven Squire
1x Akrasan squire

2x Corpse Connoisseur

1x Ravaging Horde (OD)
1x Fling
1x Final Fortune
2x Onslaught
1x Ogre Arsonist

1x Brightflame
3x Rain of Gore

3x Chronatog Totem
4x Tsabo's Web
3x Umbilicus
4x Fluctuator
4x Catalyst Stone
2x Scarecrone

2x Krosan Verge

3. Wanhat kortit

Seuraavat kortit ovat ennen 4th Editionia, seteittäin. Näitä haluaisin yhden kutakin, mielellään vähintään NM-.


Cursed Rack

Arabian Nights:

Repenant Blacksmith

Island Fish Jasconius
Merchant Ship
Old Man of the Sea
Serendib Djinn
Serendib Efreet

Guardian Beast
Juzam Djinn

Ali From Cairo
Magnetic Mountain
Mijae Djinn

Erhnam Djinn
Ifh-Biff Efreet

Aladdin's Lamp
Bottle of Suleiman
Dancing Scimitar

Library of Alexandria


Akron Legionnaire
Divine Transformation
Heaven's Gate
Thunder Spirit

Invoke Prejudice
Sea King's Blessing

Chains of Mephistopheles
The Wretched

Falling Star
Hyperion Blacksmith
Kobold Overlord

Killer Bees
Pixie Queen

Al-Abara's Carpet
Bronze Horse
Serpent Generator
Sword of the Ages
Voodoo Doll

Angus Mackenzie
Gabriel Angelfire
Hazezon Tamar
Lady Caleria
Ramses Overdark
Rubinia Soulsinger
Sir Shandlar of Eberyn
Sivitri Scarzam
Tetsuo Umezawa
Tuknir Deathlock
Vaevictis Asmadi


Animate Wall
Blaze of Glory
Green Ward
Island Sanctuary
Northern Paladin
Personal Incarnation
Red Ward
Reverse Damage
Savannah Lions
Swords to Plowshares
Veteran Bodyguard

Ancestral Recall
Animate Artifact
Copy Artifact
Drain Power
Magical Hack
Mahamoti Djinn
Mana Short
Pirate Ship
Psionic Blast
Time Walk
Vesuvan Dobbelganger
Volcanic Eruption

Bad Moon
Black Night
Contract from Below
Death Lace
Demonic Attorney
Demonic Hordes
Hypnotic Specter
Lord of the Pit
Mind Twist
Scavenging Ghoul
Sengir Vampire
Warp Artifact
Word of Command
Zombie Master

Dragon Whelp
Dwarven Demolition Team
Goblin King
Granite Gargoyle
Power Surge
Raging River
Roc of Kher Ridges
Rock Hydra
Sedge Troll
Shivan Dragon
Two-Headed Giant of Foriys
Uthden Troll
Wheel of Fortune

Aspect of Wolf
Elvish Archers
Gaea's Liege
Living Artifact
Living Lands
Natural Selection
Timber Wolves

Black Lotus
Chaos Orb
Clockwork Beast
Copper Tablet
Cyclopean Tomb
Dingus Egg
Gauntlet of Might
Helm of Chatzuk
Howling Mine
Illusionary Mask
Iron Star
Jade Monolith
Jade Statue
Jaymdae Tome
Kormus Bell
Mana Vault
Mox Emerald
Mox Jet
Mox Pearl
Mox Ruby
Mox Sapphire
Obsianus Golem
Sunglasses of Urza
Throne of Bone
Time Vault
Winter Orb

Tropical Island
Underground Sea
Volcanic Island

6x BETA Plains ex+/nm- 2e/2.5e
6x BETA Swamp ex/ex+ 2e
3x BETA Forest ex+/nm- 2e/2.5e
14 BETA Mountain ex+/nm- 2e/2.5e

4x Ancient Amphitheater 4e
1x Forbidding Watchtower .75e
1x Rainbow Valley (FE) 1.5e
4x Temple of False Gods .75e
2x Flagstones of Trokair 5.5e
1x Gemstone Caverns 1.25e
1x Bad River .50e
1x Skycloud Expanse 1e
1x City of Brass (CH) 3.5e
1x Forbidden Watchtower .50e
1x Shivan Oasis (INV) 1e
4x Elfhame Palace 1e
2x Coastal Tower 1e
1x Deserted Temple 1e
1x Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion .75e
19x Plains (Beta, good+ en jaksa eritellä näitä, suurin osa on ex- tai parempia) 20e kaikki !
4x Forest (Beta) (ex/ex+) 1.5e
1x Sveylunite Temple (FE) 1e
2x Pinecrest Ridge .50e
2x Safe Haven (CH) 1e

4x Urza's Tower (CH) .50e
4x Urza's Mine (CH) .50e
4x Urza's Power Plant (CH) .50e

Chroniclesin Urzatron pelisetti eli 4xTower, 4xPplant ja 4x Mine 5e. (nm-/*nm*) !!


3x Dark Ritual (A, ex+15/B, nm-16/B, ex14)
4x Animate Dead 1.25e/4e setti
4x Massacre 1e, 3e/setti
1x Sudden Death .75e
4x Disciple of the Vault .50e
4x Gibbering Descent 1e
4x Soul Collector .75e
4x Vampiric Spirit 1.5e
3x Stitch Together .75e
1x Demonic Consultation 1.5e
2x Skeletal Scrying 1.5e
2x Takklemaggot (CH) .50e
2x Dunerrider Outlaw 1e
1x Unnerve (US) .50e
1x Abyssal Hunter (6th) .50e
1x Hunted Horror 1e
1x Bone Harvest .50e
3x Bone Shredder 1e
1x Reaping the Graves .50e
4x Phyrexian Reclamation .50e


4x Cloud of Faeries 1e/3e setti
4x Impulse 1e
1x Stonybrook Banneret .50e
1x Spellstutter Sprite .50e
4x Telling Time 2e/setti
1x Breakthrough .75e
1x Quicken 1e
2x Rishadan Cutpurse .75e
1x Mind Bend (Xth) .75e
1x Magical Hack .75e (4th, italo)
1x Temporal Adept (UD, Italo) 1e
1x Quiet Speculation 1.5e
1x Chill .50e
4x Mana Leak (SH) 1.25e
2x Narcomoeba 1e
1x Echoing Truth .75e
4x Brainstorm (IA, nm-) 1.5e/kpl tai 5e/setti
2x Tolarian Winds .75e
1x Seal of Removal .50e
3x Compulsion (TO) 1.5e
1x Aphetto Alchemist (ONS) 1e
2x Shifting Sky 1.5e
2x Rewind (US) 1.5e/kpl
1x Pedantic Learning .75e
2x Think Tank 1e FOIL
3x Zur's Weirding (IA/4th/5th) 1e
4x Equilibrium (7th) 1.5/5e setti
1x Compulsive Research .50e
2x Magus of the Jar 1e
4x Counterspell (1x MM .75e / 1x Tempest 1e / 4x IA 1.5e)


2x Orim's Chant 15e
1x Exalted Angel 10e
1x Mana Tithe .50e
4x Spirit Link (2x LG, 2x4th) 2.5e/0.50e
4x Mirror Entity 4e
1x Retribution of the Meek (VI,Japanese, MINT) 1e
1x Spiritual Asylum .75e
3x Seal of Cleansing (NE) 1e
4x Righteousness (2xU ex-/ex, 2xRV ex+/nm-) 1e
3x Astral Slide 1e
2x Martyr's Cause .50e
4x Retether .75e
2x Celestial Dawn (6th) .50e
1x Azorius Herald .75e
4x Erase .50e
4x Radiant Dragoons (bb) .50e
4x Scour (bb) .50e
2x Wakestone Gargoyle .50e


1x Lotus Cobra 20e
3x Aluren 5e
4x Seeker of Skybreak 0.75e, 2.5e/setti
4x Tinder Wall 1e, 3e/setti
4x Changeling Titan 1.25e
4x Elvish Harbinger 1.25e
4x Imperious Perfect 2.5e
1x Rowen 1e (VI, Portugese, MINT)
2x Invigorate .75e
2x Spreading Algae (US) .75e
3x Compost (2xUD, 1x7th) .75e
1x Utopia Mycon .25
4x Keen Sense 1e
4x Essence Warden .50e
1x Giant Growth .50e
2x Wild Growth (6th) .50e
3x Sylvan Safekeeper 1e
4x Krosan Beast 2e
4x Ancestral Mask 0.75e
3x Weatherseed Treefolk 1.5e
4x Gaea's Might 1e
4x Yavimaya Enchantress 1e
2x Multani's Acolyte 1e
1x Holistic Wisdom 2e
4x Wild Mongrel .50e
4x Rite of Passage .75e
1x Call of the Wild (6th) .50e
2x Erhnam Djinn (CH/LGN) .75e
2x Magus of the Candelabra 1.5e
1x Llanowar Elves (4th) 0.75e
2x Elvish Archers (4th) 1e
1x Hibernation's End 1e
3x Creeping Mold .50e


3x Haze of Rage .75e
2x Brightstone Ritual .50e
1x Lay Waste .25e
2x Reckless Charge chinese(?) .50e
4x Psychotic Fury .50e
4x Empty the Warrens .50e
1x Thunderscape Battlemage (pienellä valkoisella pilkulla) .50e
4x Storm Entity 1e
4x Pyrohemia .75e
4x Tin Street Hooligan .50e
4x Fireblast 1e
3x Pact of Titan 2e
1x Pardic Dragon .75e
4x Seething Song .75e
1x Goblin Bombardment 1e
2x Rathi Dragon (TE) 2.5e
1x Demonfire 5e
1x Volcano Hellion .75e
3x Sedge Troll (RV, nm-) 1e
4x Lightning Rift 1e
1x Viashino Cutthroat .50e
1x Ghitu Slinger .75e
2x Sowing Salt (UD) .75e
4x Fireball (RV/4th) 1e
3x Recoup 2e
1x Mana Echoes 1e
1x Relentless Assault (VI) 1e
4x Land's Edge (CH) 1e
1x Kindle (TE) 1e
1x Fervor (6th *nm*) 1e
4x Seal of Fire (NE) 2e/setti
1x Seal of Fire (DI) 0.50e
3x Kird Ape (AN) 5e
4x Incinerate (3xIA, 1xMI) 1e
1x Final Fortune 1e
1x Flame Burst .50e
3x Mana Clash (2x4th, 1x8th) .50e
4x Atog (4xAQ/2xRV/6xMRD) 1.25e/0.75ekpl/.50ekpl


1x Scarscale Ritual .50e
1x Boros Swiftblade .75e
2x Garza Zol, Plague Queen 1e
3x Mourning Thrull (1xRussian) .50e
1x Azorius First-Wing .50e
3x Dimir Doppelganger 2e
4x Hull Breach 1e
2x Grave-Shell Scarab 1e
1x Giant Solifuge 2e
2x Merieke Ri Berit (IA) .50e
4x Psychic Drain .75e
2x Boros Guildmage .50e
4x Simic Guildmage .50e
4x Dimir Guildmage .50e
2x Lobotomy (1xINV, 1xTE) .75e
1x Coalition Victory (TS) 1e
1x Sliver Queen (nm-) 20e
2x Biomantic Mastery .50e
1x Captain Sisay (INV, ex-) 1e
2x Glint-Eye Nephilim 1e
4x FOIL Pollenbright Wings 2e setti
1x Golgari Germination .50e


4x Serum Powder 2e
1x Sol Ring (rv, ex+) 9e
1x Loxodon Warhammer 3e
4x Colfenor's Urn 1e
4x Twinning Glass .50e
4x Rings of Brighthearth 2e
4x Thousand-Year Elixiri 1.5e
4x Thorn of Amethyst 3e
4x Uba Mask 1.5e
1x Dolmen Gate 2e
2x Damping Matrix 1e
4x Myr Retriever 1e
1x Tangleroot 1.5e
8x Ornithopter (AQ/MRD) 3e/.75e
1x Chromatic Star .50e
4x Frogmite .75e
4x Cranial Plating .75e
4x Locket of Yesterdays 1e
3x Mirari (OD) 3e
1x Urza's Filter .75e
1x Storm Cauldron (6th) .50e
4x Culling Scales (2x signed!) 1e
1x Vedalken Orrery 1.5e
1x Dingus Egg .50e
1x Orb of Dreams .50e
2x Darksteel Gargoyle .50e
1x Specter's Shroud .50e
1x Scrabbling Claws .50e
3x Coretapper .50e
1x Geth's Grimoire .50e
4x Gemstone Array .50e

Foileista voi kysellä, mutta ainakin asteriskilla merkityt ovat tiukemmassa.



Archive Trap*
Gifts Ungiven**
Fleeting Image
Words of Wind*
Sutured Ghoul*
Oversold Cemetery*
3x Hatching Plans*
Glimpse of Nature**
2x Hollow Spectre (LGN)
2x Rukh Egg 10th
2x Glowrider* toisessa pieni taitos
4x Gibbering Descent*
Auntie's Hovel*
Vedalken Archmage*
Kataki, War's Wage*
Heartwood Storyteller*
2x Protean Hulk***
Pedantic Learning
Artificer's Intuition*
Zur The Enchanter
Kiymaro, First to Stand
Thrumming Stone*
He Who Hungers*

4x Long-Term Plans*
4x Locket of Yesterdays**
4x Storm Entity*
Geth's Grimoire*
Lost Auramancers*
Ravaging Riftwurm
Paradox Haze*
Temporary Insanity
4x Pollenbright Wings
4x Balduvian Rage
3x Myr Retriever**
Vertigo Spawn
Weight of Spires
Simic Basilisk
Infused Arrows
Flow of Ideas
Spark Mage
Ghoul's Feast
Righteous Aura
Test of Faith
Sphere of Truth
Aether Sting
Avarice Totem
Strength of Isolation
Mnemonic Nexus

Plains (RAV, 287)
Muddle the Mixture
Druid of the Anima
Onyx Goblet
Essence Warden*
Dash Hopes*
Grinning Ignus*
Razor Golem
Giant Cockroach
Mending Hands
Reckless Charge*
Thought Nibbler
Aboshan's Desire
Psionic Gift
Pilgrim of Justice
Aquamorph Entity
Barbarian Lunatic
Swamp (Kamigawa)
Early Frost
Chittering Rats*
Omega Myr
Echoing Calm
Advanced Hoverguard
Kitsune Healer
Funeral Pyre
Disciple of the Tevesh Szat
Surging Sentinels
Gutless Ghoul
Aurochs Herd
Induce Paranoia
Courier Hawk
Vicious Betrayal
Yamabushi's Storm
Nettling Curse
Dizzy Spell
Myr Landshaper
Opaline Bracers
2x Fleshgrafter
Battle-Mad Ronin
Leonin Elder