
Kirjoittaja Aihe: Jatoen a ripper?  (Luettu 5723 kertaa)

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Jatoen a ripper?
« : 11.11.07 - klo 04:02 »
Sorry if I am putting this in the wrong place but I thought people should know that one of the members of this forum may be a ripper.

I have traded with Jatoen and I am yet to receive my cards. I have sent him several messages and even posted in his thread in the Osto ja Myynti section and he not only has not answered but also deleted the thread. Call me paranoid, but it is suspicious.

Yes, cards can get lost in the mail (never happened to me here in Finland ever) but he can still answer and say "I don't know what happened" etc.

Jatoen, one reminder to you, Finland is not that big and Kuopio is not that far. Get the hint?

Apologies to the mods for maybe putting this in the wrong place.

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Vs: Jatoen a ripper?
« Vastaus #1 : 11.11.07 - klo 08:05 »
He was last online today 00.44 and he hasn't deemed to answer any of your PM's or the post you made in this topic.
We need answers from Jatoen and also from you where you can state what the deal consisted of and when it was done. The Finnish postal service (Itella) is one of the most reliable in the world and so far I have myself after doing hundreds of deals only encountered problems twice and one of those times it was my own fault.
If anyone who knows Jatoen could please poke him about the issue since he seems to disregard communication from you or the staff here.


Jatoen oli viimeksi paikalla 00.44 tänään eikä ole vastaillut D.L:n privaviesteihin tai vastaukseen jonka hän kirjoitti Jatoenin myyntitopicciin jonka Jatoen oli poistanut mutta löytyy edelleen Kaatopaikalta. Eli jos joku tietää/tuntee Jatoenin, potkikaas sitä nyt vastailemaan ja selittämään käytöstään.
Lainaus käyttäjältä: tutka
< kivi> pultti sun, kaks pulttii sun, pultti, fireblast, fork. PÄRT  PÄRT.

Re: Jatoen a ripper?
« Vastaus #2 : 11.11.07 - klo 23:36 »

Thanks for the help. He has been online today too around 18 and still hasn't bothered answering...I "upped" his thread yesterday as well, but the thread is gone now...

The deal was as follows (the message is his answer to my proposal):


jani kääriäinen
vanttitie 16 b 9
70460 kuopio

for your
Protean Hulk
Wanderwine Hub x 2


Elvish Champion
Shimian Specter x 2
Roiling Horror
Stuffy Doll
Academy Ruins

This is the header of the message:
Vs: Re: Vs: Trade
« Sent to: Dervish Lieutenant on: 30.10.07 - klo:17:22 »
« You have forwarded or responded to this message. »

So more than a week ago. I wouldn't be making a fuss about it if Jatoen had answered any of my messages asking what was happening. The mail here takes no more than 2 days, but still, I gave him plenty of time to send and to reply to my messages, both of which he has failed to do.

The saddest thing is that it has to happen here in Finland where people are honest. I wouldn't have expected it here, so Jatoen is the black sheep of Finland :)

Again, thanks to all the ones who posted here and also to the ones who PMed me to offer help.

Poissa shazzle

Vs: Jatoen a ripper?
« Vastaus #3 : 12.11.07 - klo 09:18 »
well, jatoen better do something REAL soon...

Vs: Jatoen a ripper?
« Vastaus #4 : 12.11.07 - klo 12:26 »
Well I happen to know him and I can ask him to explain...

Poissa Silens

Vs: Jatoen a ripper?
« Vastaus #5 : 12.11.07 - klo 13:50 »
Jatoen did answer to me, so he is reading his private messages. I really think that he is going to explain everything really soon.

Re: Jatoen a ripper?
« Vastaus #6 : 12.11.07 - klo 22:42 »

Jatoen has contacted me and said that he messed up and that he was busy and couldn't answer my messages...whatever...he got online several times and didn't see the gravity of the issue? His tardiness is what made him look suspicious.

Anyway, he has apologized and said he'll send the cards soon (so yes, he hadn't sent anything) and I will post an update when I get the cards.

Thanks to Silens and Black the Lotus for their help :)

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Vs: Jatoen a ripper?
« Vastaus #7 : 13.11.07 - klo 07:41 »
We still need some kind of input from Jatoen because otherwise this paints him as a unreliable trader and he will be tagged as "slow" unless he explains himself. But good to know the ball is rolling.
Lainaus käyttäjältä: tutka
< kivi> pultti sun, kaks pulttii sun, pultti, fireblast, fork. PÄRT  PÄRT.

Re: Vs: Jatoen a ripper?
« Vastaus #8 : 13.11.07 - klo 13:36 »
We still need some kind of input from Jatoen because otherwise this paints him as a unreliable trader and he will be tagged as "slow" unless he explains himself. But good to know the ball is rolling.

I can tell him to show up here and explain himself.

Poissa jatoen

Vs: Jatoen a ripper?
« Vastaus #9 : 13.11.07 - klo 14:39 »
now ill explain my act.

i was too busy to answer messages. i had many traids at the same time and i get most of them done.

but i forgot Dervish Lieutenant and it was my frist time ever i forgot a traide.

i am poor student and i didn't have any envelope so i got money now and lots of envelopes

now i can send card to Dervish Lieutenant and ill do it today.

Apologies for this mess.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 14.11.07 - klo 17:02 kirjoittanut cosminen »

Poissa Bodom2

Vs: Jatoen a ripper?
« Vastaus #10 : 13.11.07 - klo 14:41 »
now ill explain my act.

i was too busy to answer messages. i had many traids at the same time and i get most of them done.

but i forgot Dervish Lieutenant and it was my frist time ever i forgot a traide.

i am poor student and i didn't have any kirjekuori <--(can someone translate this) so i got money now and lots of kirjekuori

now i can send card to Dervish Lieutenant and ill do it today.

Apologies for this mess.

ps. hävettää toi kirjekuori homma

Oikeastaan voisit taitella vaikka tavallisesta A4 kokoisesta paperista jonkunmoisen paketin, kirjottaa osotteen ja läiskästä postimerkin pintaan  :)

Myydään leka maverick:


Poissa Mns

Vs: Jatoen a ripper?
« Vastaus #11 : 13.11.07 - klo 14:45 »
kirjekuori <--(can someone translate this)
envelope mielestäni

Re: Vs: Jatoen a ripper?
« Vastaus #12 : 13.11.07 - klo 17:37 »
now ill explain my act.

i was too busy to answer messages. i had many traids at the same time and i get most of them done.

Man, you upped your account every single day since we made the trade, so you weren't that busy. Add to that the fact that I posted IN YOUR OWN THREAD so you would see it, still, no answers.

I was only expecting a message from you saying something, and "I don't have money for the stamps now, I'll send the cards in 5 days" would have been just fine. That would have given me peace of mind and you wouldn't have to be explaining yourself.

Re: Jatoen a ripper?
« Vastaus #13 : 15.11.07 - klo 01:32 »
I wanted to let everyone know that Jatoen sent the cards and they have arrived in good condition today.

He completed his part of the deal with this.

Case closed :)

Thanks for the help everyone!