No nyt on minulle sattunut ensimmäinen kunnon nahina supportin kanssa MCM:ssä. En ole teho-ostaja/myyjä ja olen nyt huvikseni tutustunut Force of will nimiseen korttipeliin ja ostellut lappuja MCM:n kautta. Nyt kuitenkin kävi niin, että minun tilaamat hienot fullart-foilit olivat normaaleja nonfoileja. Otin yhteyttä myyjään:
Everything else is fine, but the 4x lightning caves are not fullart and Freya, Royal Palace Contraption Mage, also came without fullart (just the normal version).
Sincerely yours,
Vastaukseksi sain:
I honestly think you know perfectly well that the price of the cards is the cheapest in its normal version. You can compare it if you want. Sorry for the inconvenience it may have caused you.
Tähän vastaan vielä että:
But this does not mean, that you can just mark "selling full art" and then not deliver full art cards when the buyer buys your "fullarts"?
Johon myyjä laittaa suoran radiohiljaisuuden päälle.
Eli myyjä suoraan minusta tuossa myöntää, että hinnat olivat hänestä liian halpoja ja hän olisi oikeutettu lähettämään normaalit versiot. Tämä on ainakin minun tulkintani.
Noh, laitoin Supporttiin viestiä, en merkinnyt arrived ja kyseessä on paketti/kirjattu lähetys.
I received shipment ***** and there was a few articles missing. The seller sent normal non foil versions of the following cards: 4x Lightning caves and 1x Freya, royal palace ontraption. When i confronted the seller about this problem, well, this is the line of action he took:
Everything else is fine, but the 4x lightning caves are not fullart and Freya, Royal Palace Contraption Mage, also came without fullart (just the normal version).
Sincerely yours,
I honestly think you know perfectly well that the price of the cards is the cheapest in its normal version. You can compare it if you want. Sorry for the inconvenience it may have caused you.
In my order you can clearly see the fact that the seller has sold fullart versions of these cards and now acknowledge the fact, that he did not want to send them as such, since they are higher value? Its the same as in mtg you would "sell" foil cards and send normal cards, then just say that "foils are more".
How should i proceed with my problem?
No the plot thickens, koska vastaus oli melko, omasta mielestäni outo:
Hi ****,
thank you for your message.
How would you like to have this problem solved?
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Best regards,
Cardmarket Customer Support
Tähänpä sitten tuleekin laitettua, koska en muuta oikein osannut, niin rehellisesti selittää oma mielipiteeni asiasta.:
Well, what i wanted, was to have my order, but i'm guessing that is not happening. Now i understand that sending these cards back and refunding them would be an option, but 1. I still need these cards, even if they are not full art 2. It would be a hastle 3. It would not really punish the seller in any way, since he can just do this until a buyer accepts and stays silent and that is not what i would want.
Mistakes happen and if this was just a mistake, like if he had responded as "I am sorry, i thought i put the full arts" or "Oh, that was a mistake from my part! I'm terribly sorry. I will refund you part of the cost" i would have been fine. But in this case, the seller is even admitting his fraud, by claiming that he does not have to send full arts/foils he sells. This, in my opinion is unacceptable behaviour and it just prays on the customers to not care enough to start these tickets, lowering the trust and quality of the site. This is why i would like to request some level of punishment and/or refund.
I really do not know how else you can deal with a situation like this, since this is my first time anything like this has happened.
MCM vastaa että:
Hi ****,
thank you for your message.
We have contacted the seller asking him to find a solution.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Best regards,
Cardmarket Customer Support
Tässä kohtaan myyjä pistää mukavasti viestiä:
Yeah that’s my fault and that’s why I said sorry for inconveniences. If you do not want the cards just give me back and I refound you the price of them!.
Eli juurikin supportille sanomani scenario, jota en voi/halua edellä olevista syistä täyttää, niin kirjoitan:
He has offered the "send them back and get a refund" rout. This would not work, like i explained in the previous message. This is not punishing this behaviour and is more of a type of fraud that has no cons, only pros. So he will keep doing this. Or what do you think will stop this behavior? Is cardmarket powerless in this situation?
Täydennän viestiäni sanomalla vielä löytämälläni Cardmarketin guidelinellä:
Here are CardMarkets own guidelines:
Contact the Buyer before Shipping When There Are Problems
He did no do this, since he seems to have been fully aware before shipping, that he did send non full art cards:
If there is any problem (missing card, card from a different edition, grading that might be a little too optimistic), you need to contact the buyer before you ship. Little else is more frustrating for a buyer than receiving an article he did not order. As you, the seller, will have to pay all costs resulting from this error, you're doing yourself a big favor by not sending out any order that contains incorrect articles.
If your buyer contacts you to complain that articles are missing, the first thing to do is double-check your stock. Our experience shows that the most common reason for missing cards is simply that the seller forgot to ship them. If you find the card, you can discuss with the buyer whether you might ship the cards in a separate shipment (you will have to pay additional shipping costs) or whether a refund would be better. If you cannot find the card, then a refund is usually the fastest solution.
Please note: If a card is missing, the buyer might have higher costs if he has to buy the card from another seller (the card price may have changed but most of the time, he will have to pay additional shipping costs). Those extra costs will have to be paid for by you, the seller. Therefore, please make sure that you never ship out incomplete orders!!
This is MagicCardMarkets own guideline about this situation, since i did not get the products i ordered.
"As you, the seller, will have to pay all costs resulting from this error, you're doing yourself a big favor by not sending out any order that contains incorrect articles. "
Olenko toiminut jotenkin väärin? Miksi Supportti tuntuu niin voimattomalta asian suhteen? Kokemuksia/ehdotuksia? Kyseessä on noin 8e menetys, että kyllä, mielessäni on vain laittaa piiitkä miinus myyjälle ja antaa asian olla, mutta jotenkin pisti niin punaiseksi tuo myyjän asenne. Siispä tästä tuli tämmöinen periaatteellinen vääntö.